“I was visiting with my sister, Patricia Horine, from California and took this photo from her house,” writes new My Maine This Week contributing photographer Claudia Marshall of Half Moon Bay, California. Patricia’s husband, Sam, notes that they had gone out back to the Kennebec River-side lawn in Skowhegan to see the full moon, which Read More
My Maine This Week
Each week, NRCM members and supporters submit their Maine photographs to be shared in our My Maine This Week website feature. We also share these photos on our website and social media. They are also considered for our Nature of Maine Calendar!
My Maine This Week: Steve Cartwright
As we get ready for a blue moon on Halloween night, we want to share this gorgeous harvest moon over Southern Island photo from earlier this month, taken by longtime NRCM member Steve Cartwright of Tenants Harbor, Maine.
My Maine This Week: Barbara Heap
Fall colors certainly put on a spectacular show throughout Maine this year! This week’s featured photo is by NRCM member Barbara Heap of Readfield, Maine. Barbara shares her vibrant photo of people flyfishing on the Dead River in Somerset County during the Flagstaff Lake dam release. Do you have some fall foliage photos (say that 10 Read More
My Maine This Week: Jym St. Pierre
Jym St. Pierre of Brunswick, Maine, has been an NRCM member for nearly 50 years. He has been going to Baxter State Park even longer. His photo shows NRCM’s former Forests & Wildlife Program Director Cathy Johnson paddling with friends on Katahdin Lake toward Maine’s greatest mountain last month.
My Maine This Week: Isabelle Orozco
Welcome to our newest My Maine This Week photographer, Isabelle Orozco of Boothbay Harbor, Maine, and Arlington, Virginia. Isabelle writes, “I took this photo at Mt. Megunticook in the Camden Hills State Park on July 18th, 2020. The image shows the red squirrel, which minutes before was seemingly dancing with a partner, squittering hither and thither Read More
My Maine This Week: Ted Anderson
“I’ve been hoping to see a Sandhill Crane (a species I’d never seen) for years now, but have never timed it right. One recent afternoon I was able to photograph a pair, with a juvenile, near the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village fields in New Gloucester. The sight and calls of these birds had me humming Read More
My Maine This Week: Ann Flewelling
Longtime NRCM member Ann Flewelling of Sedgwick, Maine, shares two of her recent photos, one from Aroostook County and one of Mt. Katahdin at Baxter State Park. The first photo is of “a dramatic storm event emanating from Square Lake toward [her] shore on Cross Lake [in Aroostook County] in late August,” writes Ann. Ann’s Read More
My Maine This Week: Evan Wells
“Before heading off our different ways for college, my friends and I shared dumplings and bubble tea at this amazing spot in Portland’s Old Port,” writes NRCM member Evan Wells of Gardiner, Maine, as he shares his recent photo with us. With the unofficial end of summer arriving last week in Maine, what were some of Read More
My Maine This Week: David Preston
NRCM member David Preston of China Village, Maine, shares some of his summer photos with us this week. David, like many Mainers, explored our beautiful state this summer since most of us stayed close to home or at least within the state to do our traveling. Thank you, David, for sharing your stunning photos with Read More