NRCM member William Aubrey of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, shares this stunning photo of Cowan Point on Moosehead Lake as this My Maine This Week feature. William owns an island in Moosehead Lake and has for the past 70 years. “I spend what time I can at the island, a magical spot,” he writes. This photo shows Read More
My Maine This Week
Each week, NRCM members and supporters submit their Maine photographs to be shared in our My Maine This Week website feature. We also share these photos on our website and social media. They are also considered for our Nature of Maine Calendar!
My Maine This Week: David Preston
Again this week we are featuring a photo by a regular contributor to our My Maine This Week feature. David Preston of China, Maine, shares this photo from a camping trip he and his wife took this summer. “Janet and I had a lovely camping overnight into Little Moose Pond near Greenville last weekend, where I took Read More
My Maine This Week: Terry Sprague
Longtime My Maine This Week contributing photographer and NRCM member Terry Sprague of North Haven, Maine, shares her recent photos. “These are Monarchs of verbena bonariensis. This annual flower reseeds readily year after year in my veggie garden. All butterflies love it, a true attracting nectar magnet!!” What butterflies, spiders, and insects have you seen Read More
My Maine This Week: Looking Up the Kennebec by Richard Flanagan
NRCM member Richard Flanagan of Fairfield, Maine, sends another one of his beautiful Kennebec River photographs. This is looking up the river toward Skowhegan. Look at that beautiful bend in the river! See more photos by Richard in his My Maine This Week slideshow. And learn more about NRCM’s work to restore the Kennebec River Read More
My Maine This Week: Mushrooms by Leslie Burhoe
NRCM member (and recently retired NRCM staffer) Leslie Burhoe of Wayne, Maine, shares her photo with us, and also asks for assistance in identifying these mushrooms. If you know what kind they are, please send us an email at Leslie saw these mushrooms in Wayne, just east of Androscoggin Lake. Have you seen some Read More
My Maine This Week: Stewart Guilford
We have another new My Maine This Week photographer this week. Welcome, Stewart Guilford of Sabattus, Maine! Stewart captured these two beautiful photos of these amazing birds, both on the hunt for lunch!
My Maine This Week: Alicia Heyburn
This week’s My Maine photographer and NRCM member Alicia Heyburn of Brunswick, Maine, writes: “Over the course of the summer I intend to kayak the Maine coast from Kittery to Lubec. I’ve broken the trip into seven stages and do each with different people to share the experience and spread the word that big adventures Read More
My Maine This Week: Gulf Hagas by Wendy Weiger
NRCM member Wendy Weiger of Greenville Junction, Maine, shares some of her beautiful photos and descriptions of Gulf Hagas for this week’s My Maine This Week feature. Thank you, Wendy! Gulf Hagas is a deep slate gorge where the West Branch of the Pleasant River dances down a series of rocky cascades. The hiking path Read More
My Maine This Week: Tom Rooney
Popham Beach in Phippsburg, Maine, seems to be a popular place for members and supporters of the Natural Resources Council of Maine to take their dogs! This photo was sent to us by Tom and Denise Rooney of Bath, Maine. Their dog, Salty, seems to have enjoyed his time at the beach! Where you do Read More