NRCM member Callie Wronker of Jefferson and Portland, Maine, shares her recent photo of a Hooded Merganser and her nine babies, swimming in Dyer Long Pond in Jefferson. Wow! What wildlife have you seen so far this spring? Please share your photos with us at
My Maine This Week
Each week, NRCM members and supporters submit their Maine photographs to be shared in our My Maine This Week website feature. We also share these photos on our website and social media. They are also considered for our Nature of Maine Calendar!
My Maine This Week: Alewives & Muskrat, by David Small
NRCM member David Small of Old Town, Maine, shares his stunning Maine photos with us weekly. His wildlife and nature photos are incredible. This week he wrote, “Orland Dam has been a go to spot for me to check up on the alewife run and fishing Ospreys, seals, Double-crested Cormorants and the ever present gulls. Read More
My Maine This Week: A short story by Diana Washburn
Do You Hear Forever’s Sound? Do you hear the ocean? A mass of uncomprehending depth, cascading white crested waves, swirling, seething, roaring, smashing, and quietly lapping, marching to the never-ending demands of the tides and Mother Nature. Azure blue, black, green, turquoise colors, changing at the whim of the weather. What creatures does it harbor Read More
My Maine This Week: Hiking Tumbledown by David Preston
NRCM member David Preston of China Village, Maine, shares some of his spectacular photos from a recent hike with his son and their dogs. They hiked Tumbledown Mountain in western Maine, which has a pond at the top. He also shares his photo of the Presidential Range covered in snow, as seen from Tumbledown. What Read More
My Maine This Week: Heron & Gull by Steve Cartwright
You never know what Maine wildlife you will see when exploring your town. NRCM member and frequent My Maine This Week photographer Steve Cartwright lives in Tenants Harbor, and he photographed this heron and gull near the shore. What wildlife have you seen in your community? Send us your photos at
My Maine This Week: Flagstaff Lake by Sarah Hubert
NRCM supporter Sarah Hubert of Pittston, Maine, shares some recent photos from a canoe trip on Flagstaff Lake shortly after ice-out. The first photo is Sarah’s, and the second photo was taken by her son, Jake. Is there still ice or snow where you are? When was your local lake’s ice-out? Was it later than Read More
My Maine This Week: Gray Days by Sam Horine
Longtime NRCM member and frequent My Maine This Week photographer Sam Horine of Skowhegan, Maine, shares his photo of Pleasant Ridge Plantation, looking east at Wyman Lake, and says, “The gray skies make the greens pop. The rains bring out the beauty.” We couldn’t agree more, Sam. With some gray days in the forecast this Read More
My Maine This Week: Wildlife by Jayne Winters
Last week we shared a wildlife photo and asked what you have seen for wildlife this spring. This week, we want to share some photos from NRCM member and frequent My Maine This Week photographer Jayne Winters of South China, Maine. Jayne saw all of these animals in her own backyard. How lucky! Jayne also Read More
My Maine This Week: Muskrat by Roger Leisner
As the snow melts and spring begins in earnest, some of us are seeing and hearing more wildlife. This week’s My Maine This Week feature was taken in May 2020, but reminds us that we will be seeing spring greens, new buds on trees, and wildlife coming out of their winter homes. Photographer Roger Leisner Read More