How did I get interested in nature photography? Well, I always liked being outdoors, especially in the woods, and I’ve always been interested in how things come together, whether it’s a garment (I used to make clothing), or a house (I bought a 70-acre woodlot in Waldoboro once upon a time and built my own house there), or an image (what elements make an image work…or not).

This is a photo of me when I lived in the house I built and heated with wood.
I also notice things more than many other people seem to, so I guess you could say I’m a good observer. I’ve been somewhat more than casually interested in photography for a long time, but it all really started to come together when my husband and I bought our camp on Dyer Long Pond in Jefferson. Kayaking and birding and photography all sort of collided. I’d go out in the kayak, see a bird I couldn’t name, and try to get a good enough photo to ID it once I was back in the house. I’d say birds are my primary photo subjects, but there are so many other beautiful, striking things to see in Maine that the birds have some stiff competition for my eye and camera. Steve and I have made an effort to get to many parts of the state, and I think we’ve done quite well: from Kittery, to Jackman, Lubec, and Fort Kent, and many places in between. Next road trip will likely be the Golden Road. —Callie Wronker, Portland and Jefferson, Maine
Please take a few minutes to enjoy this slideshow of beautiful Maine images Callie has shared with the Natural Resources Council of Maine for this web feature. Thank you, Callie!