“For those of us on the coast who have had a ‘Mid-Atlantic winter’ this year, visiting true winter in Maine’s unspoiled northern counties is balm for the soul,” writes this week’s My Maine This Week photographer and NRCM member Peter Simmons of Brunswick, Maine.
With winter coming to an end later this week, we wanted to share some last photos of winter snow, which Peter took recently on a trip to Ambejesus Lake in Penobscot County. The mountains in the first photo are Doubletop and Moose’s Bosom, located in neighboring Piscataquis County.
We encourage you to get outside to find solace and relaxation during the times that we are in. While you are out enjoying nature in all parts of the state, please bring your camera and take a few photos to share with us for this My Maine This Week feature.

Moose’s Bosom and Doubetop Mountains in Piscataquis County, Maine

Ambejesus Lake in Penobscot County, Maine