NRCM supporter Laura Pope of Eliot, Maine, shares two scenic views of the Mousam River Estuarine Trail in Kennebunkport. These photos were taken just before the first snow arrived in southern Maine in mid-November. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos, Laura!
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“Glorious Sunday on the Mousam River Estuary Trail in Kennebunkport. The trail featured views of the river and marsh leading to the ocean on eastern side and on the west, remnants of water left by historic dykes was evident, as seen in this photo. The land was once drained for agriculture and now is being reverted back to estuarine marshland. Yahoo! A perfect day to walk on a leaf-carpeted, well-tended trail.”

“Heading east from the trailhead, this is what you see on the western side of the Mousam River Estuarine Trail in Kennebunkport.”