We often ask our new My Maine This Week photographers how they heard about us, and this week, we are excited to hear that our newest My Maine photographer, Jennifer Dillon, of North Yarmouth, Maine, heard about us at her place of work! She tells us that she and her co-workers get a daily news email, and often the person who sends it includes our featured My Maine This Week photo from the week. How great is that?!
This photo, of Katahdin, is one that Jennifer took on her first trip to Baxter State Park in September. Jennifer shared this photo and wrote, “Thank you for promoting our state and all its beauty. I hope as we develop we don’t give up what makes Maine special: the natural beauty of the world around us.”
Do you have beautiful photos of Maine’s landscape or wildlife to share? We would love to see any photos, but especially any photos you take showing signs of spring! Please send them to us at nrcm@nrcm.org. To learn more about how to submit your photos, visit www.nrcm.org/our-maine/my-maine-this-week/share-photos/.