“Watching nature do what nature does can be very entertaining. Seeing wildlife and geographic shows on television, considering vast improvements in photographic technology, can be a breath-taking experience. Seeing it first hand, and providing your own story line has its own remarkable rewards. It’s with those thoughts that I share my weekly NatureShots photo files with you.
A seldom walked pier in Southwest Harbor provided a rare experience for Deb and me. Crows heckling a majestic American Bald Eagle and a Common Loon emerging from the depths only a few feet from where we were standing, providing a rare closeup view of a remarkable bird. Thinking that image opportunities were finished, we started back for the Jeep, only to see a Red-breasted Merganser paddling right straight towards us. Perhaps not remarkable on its own, but considering only moments before, I had told Deb, ‘I have not seen any Red-breasted Mergansers yet this season.’ Go figure.” – Photos by NRCM member Dave Small of Old Town, Maine
To see past My Maine This Week photos, or to submit a photo of your own to be featured on our website, please visit www.nrcm.org/our-maine/my-maine-this-week.

Common Loon in Southwest Harbor, Maine

Red-breasted Merganser in Southwest Harbor, Maine