We welcome a new My Maine This Week photographer this week. Colleen Mars of Scarborough, Maine took these beautiful photos along the Maine coast. With spring here and summer on its way, it’s a great time to explore Maine’s environment. What is your favorite spot to visit along Maine’s coast? Make sure to bring your camera and send us a photo while you are visiting the coast, or the mountains, one of Maine’s state or national parks. We might share it here as our featured photo of the week! Happy exploring!
Do you have photos of the Maine environment to share? If so, please send them to us at nrcm@nrcm.org. To learn more about how to submit your photos, visit www.nrcm.org/our-maine/my-maine-this-week/share-photos/.

Sunrise at the Old Orchard Beach pier

Spring sunset at Pine Point Fisherman’s Co-op in Scarborough