NRCM member Larry Mingledorff spent some time in Maine and very generously shared some of his photos with us. Larry, an avid photographer from Palm Coast, Florida, spent time in Midcoast Maine and captured images of the things we love the most: wildlife, water, mountains, and clean air! Thank you, Larry, for sharing your photos with us.
You don’t have to be a Maine resident to share your beautiful Maine landscapes and wildlife photos. If you have recently visited Maine to see family and friends or to explore a new-to-you state, we’d love to see your photos and learn more about your time in Vacationland. Share your high-resolution photos with us at

Fernalds Nature Preserve, Lincolnville

Great Blue Heron in Spruce Head

Megunticook Lake, Camden

Belted Kingfisher in Spruce Head

A Monarch butterfly in Spruce Head