This week’s My Maine photographer and NRCM member Alicia Heyburn of Brunswick, Maine, writes:
“Over the course of the summer I intend to kayak the Maine coast from Kittery to Lubec. I’ve broken the trip into seven stages and do each with different people to share the experience and spread the word that big adventures like this are entirely possible to many skill levels when taken in little bites. this photo was the dawn of my final day of stage 5.
These photos were taken on Steve’s Island about 1 nautical mile from Stonington, Maine, our take out. This trip started in Lincolnville and my paddling partners were three fabulous women. (All other trips had been with men so this was especially fun!
Thanks to the Maine Island Trail Association for doing such a wonderful job of caring for the coast and providing reliable information on where small boaters can go to have jaw-dropping views like this. Yeah Maine!”
Do you have some beautiful Maine coastal photos to share? Please send them to us at Learn more and see past My Maine This Week photos at

Sunrise on Steve’s Island

View from the tent