By Seth Koenig, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story STANDISH, Maine — When Thom Watson is showing tourists or budding sportsmen around the lakes of Maine, loons are the prized sightings. “In terms of Maine folklore, when I’m with clients, I love to see them, love to hear them and, maybe most of all, Read More
Forests and Wildlife
NRCM works to protect Maine’s natural areas and wild, undeveloped character, particularly in the North Woods. We support responsible land development and sustainable forest practices that protect sensitive ecosystems and wildlife. We work for increased public ownership of Maine lands, so future generations will know the Maine we love today.
Protection of Maine’s natural, remote areas was one of the issues for which NRCM was founded in 1959. More than 60 years later, much progress has been made but major threats to Maine’s land and water resources continue.
Read news & blogs about our work to protect Maine's forests and wildlife.
A Birder’s Take on Signs of Spring
Last year around this time, dozens of cars lined up along Route 126 from South Gardiner to Gardiner. Children, along with one or both of their parents, gazed out through the windows or stood nearby as two Coast Guard ice breakers plowed their way up the Kennebec River, slicing through thick layers of ice—an annual Read More
Maine Supreme Court’s Decision on Plum Creek’s Moosehead Lake Development Rezoning
by Lisa Pohlmann, NRCM CEO We are disappointed in today’s decision about Plum Creek’s development proposal on lands around Moosehead Lake. We respect the court’s decision. Through the active engagement of thousands of Maine people the final plan was significantly improved from the original plan, though it remains the largest development plan in the state’s Read More
Plum Creek Development Gets OK from Supreme Court
by Kevin Miller, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story PORTLAND, Maine—Maine’s highest court on Thursday ruled that state regulators followed proper procedures when approving Plum Creek’s historic development plan for the Moosehead Lake region. The state supreme court disagreed with a lower court that had ordered the Land Use Regulation Commission to hold additional Read More
LURC Reform: It’s All About the Money
by Sandra Neily Bangor Daily News op-ed Decentralize and localize LURC with more county representation? Allow a county to opt out of LURC oversight? Remove centralized management of a forest asset that drops billions of dollars a year into the Maine economy? Imagine North Woods resources as an affiliated, sprawling string of factories. (Maine people Read More
Winter Camping in Maine’s Wilderness: A Reminder to Take Action
“Crunch, crunch, crunch.” The sound of my snowshoes mark our progress slowly down the flowage in northern Maine. Our group of five NRCM members, including our treasurer, Chris Bond (pictured, on the right), is embarking on our annual winter camping trip along this quiet waterway. Traditional camping with toboggans, snowshoes, canvas tents, and portable wood stoves Read More
LURC’s Role Needs to Be Reaffirmed, Not Subject to Local Political Pressure
The agriculture committee should reject the LURC reform proposal to protect Maine’s woods by Robert Kimber Portland Press Herald op-ed Our license plate rightly declares that Maine is Vacationland. Tourism is one of our major industries, and the future of that industry depends on maintaining the health, integrity and beauty of the Maine coast and Read More
Legislature Urged to Reject Bill that Threatens to Spoil Half of Maine, Add Bureaucracy and Cost
Maine Citizens Who Depend on North Woods for Their Homes, Businesses, Jobs, and Recreation Come to August to Fight for Maine’s North Woods Heritage NRCM Press Release Today, leading citizens from throughout Maine, including the North Woods, gathered in Augusta to speak out about major problems with pending legislation that could spell the end of Read More
Opposition to LD 1798, An Act to Reform Land Use Planning in the Unorganized Territory
Good afternoon Sen. Sherman, Rep. Edgecomb and members of the Committee. My name is Lisa Pohlmann. I am a resident of Jefferson. I am the Executive Director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I am here today on behalf of the 12,000 members and supporters of the Natural Resources Council of Maine in opposition to Read More