NRCM news release (Augusta, ME) – The Build Back Better framework being announced today by President Joe Biden is a historic start to the long overdue and necessary action needed to combat climate change, and it deserves the support of Maine’s Congressional delegation, according to a statement issued by Maine’s leading environmental advocacy organization, the Read More
Federal Issues
Our advocates, members, supporters, and partners work to defend our hard-earned environmental safeguards and to ensure Maine’s elected officials in Washington, DC, stand up for Maine’s environment. Decisions made there have lasting effects on Maine’s clean water, fresh air, healthy forests, thriving wildlife, and on the health of Maine people, our economy, and our way of life.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine identifies and addresses the issues at play in our nation’s capital that have the largest impacts here at home.
Find out the latest on federal issues affecting our state's land, air, water, and wildlife.
Senator Collins Supports Bipartisan Effort to Fund Wildlife Conservation, Prevent Extinctions
AUGUSTA, Maine (October 12, 2021) — Senator Susan Collins has joined Senator Angus King in cosponsoring the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, a bipartisan bill that will dedicate nearly $1.4 billion annually to locally-led wildlife conservation. “With both of our senators among the first to champion the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, Mainers can take pride in Read More
What Mainers Can Learn from the Arctic
As I sit on an outcrop watching the moon rise above the Alaskan skyline and mighty Taku Glacier, I can’t help but wonder how many years into the future this great ice mass will remain. Recent research suggests up to 60% of Taku will be gone in the next century if our climate continues on its current warming trajectory. These are humbling Read More
How Congress Can Support Maine’s Climate Action Plan
Maine’s Congressional delegation has before them the chance to build and pass the most important piece of climate legislation ever seen in the United States. This opportunity comes at a time when the latest report from the world’s leading climate scientists signaled a “Code Red for Humanity” – time is running out and immediate, bold Read More
74 Maine Groups Call for Broad Federal Infrastructure Investment
News release A broad federal infrastructure investment is needed to give Maine the chance to recover from the pandemic stronger and tackle climate change while providing dividends for decades to come, according to an open letter signed by 74 organizations across Maine. The diverse range of groups, which represent small businesses, regional chambers of commerce, Read More
Permanently Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Arctic Refuge) is a place of spectacular beauty as well as ecological and cultural significance, but right now it’s vulnerable to oil and gas development. These industries threaten to pollute our air and water, degrade public lands, and ruin an Indigenous way of life. As Mainers we value our public lands and the space they provide for recreation and wildlife conservation just Read More
Five Endangered Species from Maine You Should Know About
Each species has an important ecological role to play in the web of life. Diverse ecosystems are more resilient to change, and collectively, the planet’s array of plants and animals provide valuable services, helping clean our air and water, cycle nutrients, prevent erosion, provide food and fiber, offer recreational opportunities and places of solace, and Read More
The Power of Green Banking
Like many of you, on January 20, 2021, I took a very long exhale as I watched President Biden and VP Kamala Harris being sworn into office. I think the weight of four years of stress came out in that long exhale, and I felt a resurgence of hope seeing the flurry of executive orders Read More
The American Jobs Plan Provides Historic Opportunities for Maine
The American Jobs Plan would create new jobs by providing critical upgrades to our nation’s infrastructure while also helping to build a clean energy economy across the United States. It represents a broad and forward-thinking investment in the future that would deliver enormous benefits to Maine’s economy, environment, and people—in every part of our state. Read More