Bangor Daily News editorial The recent announcement from the Trump administration that it wants to open nearly all U.S. oceans to oil and gas drilling is certainly concerning. But there is not reason to panic, yet. The announcement, from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is no surprise as the Trump administration is focused on undoing every Read More
Federal Issues
Our advocates, members, supporters, and partners work to defend our hard-earned environmental safeguards and to ensure Maine’s elected officials in Washington, DC, stand up for Maine’s environment. Decisions made there have lasting effects on Maine’s clean water, fresh air, healthy forests, thriving wildlife, and on the health of Maine people, our economy, and our way of life.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine identifies and addresses the issues at play in our nation’s capital that have the largest impacts here at home.
Find out the latest on federal issues affecting our state's land, air, water, and wildlife.
I Toured the Monument with Zinke. His Recommendation to Open It to Logging is Disappointing.
by Paul Corrigan, retired Baxter State Park ranger living in Millinocket Bangor Daily News op-ed It was with disappointment that I read what Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke may have in store for Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in his memorandum to the president, especially in light of the secretary’s visit to Maine back in June. Read More
Proposal to Drill in Waters Off Maine Coast Widely Opposed
By Jennifer Mitchell Maine Public news story On Thursday, the Trump administration announced a draft proposal that would open large swaths of federal waters to potential oil and gas drilling, including the coast of Maine. The proposal would open most of the outer continental shelf to oil and gas drilling for a five-year lease period Read More
Trump Plan Would Open Maine Waters to Oil Drilling
Five-Year Offshore Plan could devastate Maine’s coastlines, fisheries and coastal communities Statement of Lisa Pohlmann, Executive Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “The Trump Administration today released a dangerous five-year plan for offshore oil and gas leasing in the Atlantic Ocean—including off the coast of Maine, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Arctic Ocean. This Read More
Maine Rep. Pingree: Republican Budget Bill Will Dismantle Environmental Protections
The legacy of Muskie’s Clean Water Act is on the line in the budget’s assault on our air, water and land. by Rep. Chellie Pingree, member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and the Environment, which oversees Environmental Protection Agency funding Portland Press Herald op-ed WASHINGTON — As Republicans in Congress rush through a partisan Read More
Final Tax Bill Includes Damaging Provision to Drill for Oil in the Arctic
Statement of Lisa Pohlmann, Executive Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “We are deeply disappointed in Senator Susan Collins’ vote for the final tax bill, which overturns decades of protection from oil drilling in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). This vote betrays the will of the majority of Mainers, and reverses Senator Collins’ Read More
We Can’t Bring Extinct Species Back. It’s Our Duty to Protect Them Now.
By Jeff Wells, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed Since the age of 5, my son has been able to identify a bald eagle when one perches or flies near our house in Maine. Forty years ago, this would not have been the case, as Maine’s population had declined to only 30 nesting Read More
Collins Draws Ire from Conservation Groups Over Vote on Senate Tax Bill, Allowing Arctic Drilling
by Susan Sharon Maine Public news story As Republicans look to reconcile key differences between the House and Senate versions of their tax bills, one of the flashpoints is around a remote, eastern corner of Alaska — the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, considered one of the most pristine wilderness areas in the country. The Senate Read More
Interior Secretary Zinke Fails to Resolve Uncertainty for Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
Statement of Cathy Johnson, Forests and Wildlife Project Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “Today Interior Secretary Zinke released a memorandum to President Trump recommending potentially damaging changes to Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. It is unclear what action President Trump will take in response to the recommendations. “At a time when residents and Read More