Photo courtesy of LMF and its partner organizations.
Recognizing the need for greater shore access around Inner Penobscot Bay, the State had long sought a property that could provide area residents with a site for swimming, sunbathing, picnicking and windsurfing. A 100-acre property on Sandy Point in Stockton Springs offered all the attributes the State had been seeking–with more than a half-mile of undeveloped sandy/gravelly beach (a rare resource along this stretch of coast).
The Bureau of Parks and Lands purchased the property using LMF funds and a grant from the Maine Coastal Program. The beach, a popular destination for family outings, is currently managed by the Town of Stockton Springs under an agreement with the Bureau of Parks and Lands. Photo courtesy of LMF and its partner organizations.
Closest Town
Stockton Springs
Bird & other wildlife watching, hiking, and swimming
Midcoast Maine – Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, Waldo
Directions from nearest town
DeLorme Maine Atlas and Gazetteer Map 23, E-2. Take Routes 1/3 east from Stockton Springs approximately 2 miles, turning right onto Hersey Retreat Road and proceeding to the end where there is parking by the beach.