Universally accessible trail at Hope Cemetery & Woods, photo courtesy Friends of Hope Cemetery & Woods
The Friends of Hope Cemetery & Woods constructed this Universally Accessible Trail (UAT), which takes visitors through the woods and along a beautiful meadow, for people who have mobility needs, such as use of wheelchairs and strollers, as well as others who might need to use a cane or walker to travel the trail. There is ADA-compliant parking available at the trailhead of Barnard Lane. The trail was funded, in part, by the Land for Maine’s Future program.
Download a map of the trail. There are four access points to get into the Hope Woods: Barnard Lane, Wood Pond Lane, Fletcher Street, and Woodhaven Drive. To access the UAT, use the Barnard Lane entrance.
Friends of Hope Cemetery & Woods offer guided walks by their own Maine Master Naturalist once a month from May through November.
Closest Town
Bird & other wildlife watching, hiking, walking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, dog walking (on leash), and mountain biking
Southern Maine – York, Cumberland
Directions: Coming south on US Route 1 from Portland, take a right onto Barnard Lane and a right onto Hope Trail Lane.