In 2014, the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) established the Allagash Awards to honor those who have been NRCM members for twenty years or more. The award is aptly named for the issue upon which NRCM was founded.
In 1959, a small group of dedicated conservationists established NRCM in response to threats to the Allagash River. They were met with profound success. Thanks to their efforts, the Allagash River Waterway was forever protected from development and dams in 1966. Thanks to NRCM’s members, vital environmental victories have continued through NRCM’s long history.
Today, more than 1,000 families and individuals have been a part of NRCM for twenty years or more. It is our privilege to recognize all that they have done for Maine’s environment.
Each summer, NRCM hosts a reception to honor Allagash Award recipients past and present. The location changes as the list of long-time members expands.
When a member reaches their 20th year, we present them with an award either at the event or via mail.
Each year, the award features the Allagash River Waterway as depicted by a different Maine artist.

2019 Allagash Award, "Good to See You Old Elm" encaustic on panel by Hélène Farrar
NRCM is an effective voice for Maine’s environment because of our dedicated members. We are so grateful for the many years of support from Allagash Award recipients.
Banner photo of Allagash Lake by NRCM member Wendy Weiger