NRCM news release More than 40 Mainers joined the Natural Resources Council of Maine on Saturday, July 28, for an exciting excursion to New England’s only large wind farm, located right here in Maine at Mars Hill. The group was met by sunny skies and steady winds as they toured the ridgeline, met with wind Read More
Climate change and global warming pollution harm Maine people, wildlife, and our environment. Among the highest rates of childhood asthma in the nation, rising seas and severe storms battering our coastal homes and towns, warming and more acidic oceans threatening fisheries, too many “bad air days,” more and more tick-borne diseases, threats to our fall foliage and winter tourism industries—these are among the many health, environmental, and economic problems climate change pollution is causing here in Maine.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine is working to reduce climate-changing pollution by making Maine more energy efficient. We work to provide clean, renewable energy and cleaner more efficient vehicles that will reduce Maine’s contribution to air pollution and climate change to ensure Maine people and wildlife have clean air to breathe.
In Support of the Black Nubble Wind Project
Statement by Pete Didisheim, NRCM Advocacy Director Today more than 20 organizations are announcing their support of the proposed Black Nubble Wind Farm. We believe that this is the largest and most diverse collection of organizations that have ever assembled in Maine to endorse a specific wind power project. A recent public opinion poll showed Read More
Support Builds for Black Nubble Wind Farm
Details Announced for Protecting Redington Mountain Wind power advocates turned out in force today at a news conference in Portland to lend their support for a scaled-back version of the Redington Wind Power Project. Unlike the original plan, the revised project would be built only on Black Nubble Mountain, and not also on the more Read More
Groups Call on Governor Baldacci to Re-double Efforts to Curb Global Warming Pollution
NRCM news release Augusta, ME – Days before the annual meeting of the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, Governor Baldacci received a letter from a diverse array of organizations, congratulating him on passage of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and calling for re-doubled efforts to curb global warming emissions. The Governors will Read More
Environmental Organizations Support Proposed Kibby Mountain Windpower Project
Complete Negotiation with Developer to Reach Formal Agreement Appalachian Mountain Club, Maine Audubon, and Natural Resources Council of Maine FALMOUTH, Maine, June 5, 2007—The Appalachian Mountain Club, Maine Audubon, and Natural Resources Council of Maine have announced their support for a wind-power project proposed in western Maine, after working out an agreement with TransCanada Maine Read More
Maine Third Northeast State to Pass RGGI Law
* Natural Resources Council of Maine * Environment Northeast * Environmental Defense * Conservation Law Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * Environment Maine Today, the Maine Senate voted 35-0 for final passage of “An Act To Authorize the State’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative” (LD 1851, known as RGGI). Today’s vote makes Maine Read More
NRCM Endorses Black Nubble Wind Farm
Redington Mountain Would Earn Protection The Natural Resources Council of Maine today announced that it strongly supports a proposal by Maine Mountain Power (MMP) to scale back its controversial Redington Wind Farm project. MMP today informed Maine’s Land Use Regulation Commission that the company plans to seek approval for a wind farm only on Black Read More
International Award Given to NRCM
Natural Resources Council of Maine wins EPA award for global warming work Washington, D.C. and Augusta, ME (May 1) —On Tuesday May 1, the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) was awarded a 2007 Climate Protection Award from the Climate Protection Partnerships Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the EPA, the Read More
Support of LD 1851, Establish Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Act of 2007
by Dylan Voorhees, NRCM energy project director Senators Bartlett and Martin, Representatives Koffman and Bliss, members of the Natural Resources and Utilities Committees, I appreciate the opportunity to testify before you today. I would like to express our strong support for LD 1851. We are pleased that this bill has emerged as a result of Read More