by Whit Richardson, staff writer Bangor Daily News news story SOUTH PORTLAND, Maine — Since 1941, oil tankers have been a common sight in Casco Bay. They arrive at Portland Head Light sitting low in the water, heavily laden with crude oil from the Middle East or Africa’s offshore oil rigs and destined for refineries Read More
Climate change and global warming pollution harm Maine people, wildlife, and our environment. Among the highest rates of childhood asthma in the nation, rising seas and severe storms battering our coastal homes and towns, warming and more acidic oceans threatening fisheries, too many “bad air days,” more and more tick-borne diseases, threats to our fall foliage and winter tourism industries—these are among the many health, environmental, and economic problems climate change pollution is causing here in Maine.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine is working to reduce climate-changing pollution by making Maine more energy efficient. We work to provide clean, renewable energy and cleaner more efficient vehicles that will reduce Maine’s contribution to air pollution and climate change to ensure Maine people and wildlife have clean air to breathe.
Portland Tar Sands Rally and March
Press advisory about tar sands rally in Portland Press release Northeast tar sands pipeline maps (4MB) Facts about tar sands oil and its possible effects on Maine’s environment Media stories: Mass. Residents Join Maine Oil Pipeline Protest Boston Globe news story Huge Crowd Turns Out to Denounce Possible Transport of Tar Sands in Region Portland Press Herald news story Portland City Read More
Biggest Rally Ever Against Tar Sands in Northeast Converged in Portland
News Release Portland, Maine – Today, in the largest protest yet in the northeast against tar sands, hundreds of people from across Maine, New England, and from Canada carried signs and marched across Portland to rally at the Maine State Pier. The rally and march were held to oppose an emerging proposal to send dirty Read More
Huge Crowd Turns Out to Denounce Possible Transport of Tar Sands in Region
Foes and backers dispute whether there are plans to transport the substance to Casco Bay. by Beth Quimby and Edward D. Murphy, staff writers Portland Press Herald news story PORTLAND — An estimated 1,400 to 1,500 people marched from Monument Square to the Maine State Pier on Saturday to protest the use of the Portland Read More
Portland Mayor, Councilor Endorse Making Portland City Operations Tar Sands-Free
Portland City Council to Vote This Evening on Policy Modeled after Commitments Already Made by 18 Major Corporations Press Release Portland, Maine—Portland Mayor Michael Brennan and City Councilor David Marshall today joined Environment Maine, the Sebago Lake Anglers Association, 350 Maine, NRCM, and others to press for passage of a new policy that would make Read More
Campaign Opposing Canadian Tar Sands Oil Comes to New England
Between the Lines radio news story Interview with Dylan Voorhees, Clean Energy Director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine, conducted by Melinda Tuhus On Jan. 26, hundreds of protesters are expected to converge in Portland, Maine, for what’s being billed as the largest tar sands protest in the Northeast. The impetus is what organizers Read More
Casco Passes Tar Sands Resolution news story CASCO —Casco residents voted Saturday to pass a municipal resolution stating opposition to sending tar sands oil through Exxon Mobil’s Portland-Montreal Pipeline, making it the first Maine town to publicly and officially oppose the proposal, said Judy Berk, spokeswoman for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. The environmental group says the 62-year-old Read More
Mainers Launch 100 Days of Climate Action
Maine Groups, Citizens Push EPA to Hold Industrial Polluters Accountable for their Carbon Pollution Natural Resources Council of Maine, Environment Maine, Sierra Club Maine Augusta, Maine — In response to a daunting new National Climate Assessment (NCA), which predicts wide ranging impacts of climate change in Maine and across the U.S., the Natural Resources Council Read More
Casco is First Maine Town to Pass Resolution Opposing Sending Tar Sands Oil Through Town
NRCM news release Casco, ME — Casco residents voted today to pass a municipal resolution stating opposition to sending tar sands oil through Exxon Mobil’s Portland-Montreal Pipeline, making it the first Maine town to publicly and officially oppose the proposal. The 62-year-old pipeline, which stretches 236 miles from Montreal to South Portland, is being considered Read More