by Whit Richardson, staff writer Bangor Daily News news story SOUTH PORTLAND, Maine — In what opponents are characterizing as a reversal of an earlier decision, the U.S. Department of State in August informed the Portland Pipe Line Corp. that it wants to review any future plans the company may propose to reverse the flow Read More
Climate change and global warming pollution harm Maine people, wildlife, and our environment. Among the highest rates of childhood asthma in the nation, rising seas and severe storms battering our coastal homes and towns, warming and more acidic oceans threatening fisheries, too many “bad air days,” more and more tick-borne diseases, threats to our fall foliage and winter tourism industries—these are among the many health, environmental, and economic problems climate change pollution is causing here in Maine.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine is working to reduce climate-changing pollution by making Maine more energy efficient. We work to provide clean, renewable energy and cleaner more efficient vehicles that will reduce Maine’s contribution to air pollution and climate change to ensure Maine people and wildlife have clean air to breathe.
Report: Climate Change Impacting Game Species in Maine
Heat, Disease Threaten Big Game and Their Habitats NRCM and NWF press release Augusta, ME (September 25, 2013) – Rising temperatures, spreading diseases, and more extreme weather events fueled by manmade climate change are making survival more challenging for America’s treasured big game wildlife from coast to coast, according to a new report from the Read More
NRCM Congratulates South Portland Residents for Hard-fought Campaign to Protect Community
Laments relentless oil industry spending on misinformation campaign Statement of NRCM CEO Lisa Pohlmann, on South Portland Waterfront South Portland, ME — Today’s vote of 4,453 against and 4,261 for — a 200-vote margin — on the Waterfront Protection Ordinance to protect South Portland from tar sands is a disappointing outcome for the people of Read More
Health Professionals Call Tar Sands Smokestacks Serious Health Threat
Doctors, seniors, parents, coaches, voice concerns Protect South Portland news release Local physicians, coaches, seniors, and the American Lung Association gathered today at the Betsy Ross House, a senior-citizen residency in South Portland just a half mile from the proposed tar sands smokestacks, to express their serious concern about the health impacts of a tar Read More
Climate Experts: Warming in Maine Leading to Declining Moose, Lobster Populations
By Mario Moretto, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story PORTLAND, Maine — Climate change is real, human activity is causing it, and its effects will leave Maine — and the planet — “fundamentally degraded.” That was the message delivered by renowned climatologist Michael Mann, who spoke to a packed auditorium at the University of Read More
Report Details How Climate Change is Harming Freshwater Fishing
Urgent Action Needed to Protect Freshwater Fish, Their Habitats, & Related Economy NRCM and NWF Press Release Climate change is the most serious threat to America’s freshwater fish and urgent action is needed at all levels to preserve key species and their habitats, according to a new report released today by the National Wildlife Federation. Read More
“I Will Act on Climate” Bus Tour Arrives in Maine
Maine business, health, elected, academic, conservation leaders express their support, urge support for federal climate change standards Press Release Bangor/Portland—A coalition of local business, health, elected, academic, and conservation leaders are joining the “I Will Act on Climate” bus as it arrived in Bangor and Portland, Maine Monday, August 12, as part of 27-state tour. Read More
On 3rd Anniversary of Massive Tar Sands Spill: Mainers Rally
Urge Senator Collins to Join King, Michaud, Pingree, and Call for Full Environmental Review of Tar Sands Pipeline NRCM news release Today, on the third anniversary of the nation’s largest and most expensive oil pipeline spill, Mainers rallied at the Portland Water District headquarters, carrying signs and dressed in black to symbolize an oil spill. Read More
Federal Court Strikes Down EPA’s Biomass Pollution Loophole
EcoWatch news story On Friday, a key federal court ruling confirmed that Clean Air Act limits on carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution apply to industrial facilities that burn biomass, including tree-burning power plants. The court vacated an exemption that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had carved out for “biogenic carbon dioxide.” The decision, by a Read More