by Dylan Martin MaineBiz news story Ask Jim Wellehan what it means to be a business leader, and for his initial response, you likely won’t hear him mention Lamey-Wellehan, his 100-year-old, Auburn-based family retail shoe business. Instead, he’ll bring up a word that means a great deal to him: community. “I love my community. I Read More
Climate change and global warming pollution harm Maine people, wildlife, and our environment. Among the highest rates of childhood asthma in the nation, rising seas and severe storms battering our coastal homes and towns, warming and more acidic oceans threatening fisheries, too many “bad air days,” more and more tick-borne diseases, threats to our fall foliage and winter tourism industries—these are among the many health, environmental, and economic problems climate change pollution is causing here in Maine.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine is working to reduce climate-changing pollution by making Maine more energy efficient. We work to provide clean, renewable energy and cleaner more efficient vehicles that will reduce Maine’s contribution to air pollution and climate change to ensure Maine people and wildlife have clean air to breathe.
Putting the Value of Solar in Real Terms
So the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) did a study that concluded the “value of solar” is 33.7 cents/kwh. (The study was done in response to legislation last year that NRCM developed and led the passage of.) What in the world does that mean? Is that what solar is worth? What it costs? How does that Read More
Lawmakers Should Fix the Missing ‘And’ So Energy Efficiency Work is Not Cut Back
By The BDN Editorial Board Bangor Daily News editorial At $12 million per letter, a missing “and” in a state law has proven an expensive error now that the state Public Utilities Commission used inadvertently flawed statutory language to cut funding for Maine’s energy efficiency work by $36 million. The PUC earlier this week took Read More
For Efficiency Maine, the Word ‘And’ Made a $38 Million Difference
Lawmakers slam the state Public Utilities Commission for not considering ‘legislator intent’ in a decision that will cut funding for the energy efficiency program. By Kevin Miller and Steve Mistler, Staff Writers Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — One missing word in the Legislature’s 2013 energy law will reduce funding for energy efficiency programs Read More
Maine Regulators Slash Cap on Spending for Energy Efficiency Programs
The PUC cuts Efficiency Maine’s funding from $60 million to $22 million, a decision that many think will raise electricity bills by shrinking weatherization and heating-system programs. By Dennis Hoey. Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story The Maine Public Utilities Commission voted 2-1 Tuesday to restrict funding for energy efficiency programs, drawing harsh criticism Read More
Maine PUC Votes to Limit Energy Efficiency Savings for Maine Residents and Businesses
LePage Appointees Vote to Ignore and Subvert Legislative Intent News release Augusta, ME – In a surprising and unfortunate development, Mainers will be paying higher electric bills because the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) today voted (2-1) to severely limit funding for energy efficiency programs that reduce electricity costs for Maine homes and businesses, despite Read More
South Portland Hires Boston Law Firm to Defend Clear Skies Ordinance
by Alex Acquisto, The Forecaster staff The Forecaster news story SOUTH PORTLAND — The Boston law firm Foley Hoag will defend the city against a lawsuit filed last month by Portland Pipe Line Corp. The City Council, as expected, unanimously approved the hiring Monday night. In the nine-count lawsuit, Portland Pipe Line and American Waterways Read More
Maine PUC’s Solar Power Study Released Today Shows Enormous Benefits
Rooftop Solar Power Delivers More Value Than Electricity Derived From Power Plants News Release Augusta, ME – The Maine Public Utilities Commission has released a study that gives a quantitative value for solar power produced in Maine. The study was in response to legislation passed last year. It focused on “distributed” solar, meaning solar that is Read More
Senator King and I: Touring Mt. Abram, the Mountain that’s Gone Solar and Beyond
Looking for a good excuse to head to the slopes? Mt. Abram ski area offers plenty, and they’re good for Maine’s environment. On February 16, I had the great pleasure of joining Senator Angus King for a tour of the Mt. Abram in Greenwood, Maine. This locally owned, family-friendly ski area now hosts the second-largest Read More