By Christopher Cousins, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story AUGUSTA, Maine — A controversial bill to fix a typo that could be worth roughly $38 million to the Efficiency Maine Trust sailed through the House of Representatives Wednesday on a 138-1 vote. Assistant House Majority Leader Sara Gideon’s bill, LD 1215, which inserts the Read More
Climate change and global warming pollution harm Maine people, wildlife, and our environment. Among the highest rates of childhood asthma in the nation, rising seas and severe storms battering our coastal homes and towns, warming and more acidic oceans threatening fisheries, too many “bad air days,” more and more tick-borne diseases, threats to our fall foliage and winter tourism industries—these are among the many health, environmental, and economic problems climate change pollution is causing here in Maine.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine is working to reduce climate-changing pollution by making Maine more energy efficient. We work to provide clean, renewable energy and cleaner more efficient vehicles that will reduce Maine’s contribution to air pollution and climate change to ensure Maine people and wildlife have clean air to breathe.
Maine House Votes 138-1 to Pass One-word Bill to Correct Typo in Energy Efficiency Law
NRCM news release Statement of Dylan Voorhees, Clean Energy Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine The House voted 138-1 to pass LD 1215, the one-word bill to correct a typo in the omnibus energy bill passed last session, in order to prevent a major cut to energy efficiency programs for homes and businesses. “This year Read More
LePage’s Intransigence Threatens Key Efficiency Maine Programs
Rather than support a quick fix of a typo, he and Republican House Leader Ken Fredette are trying to use a manufactured crisis to increase the governor’s power. By Mike Tipping Portland Press Herald column Gov. Paul LePage and Republican House Leader Ken Fredette have proved once again that they can’t be trusted. You might remember Read More
Climate Change Threatens 1 in 13 Species, Study Says
The extinction rate doesn’t mean all of those species will be gone; some will just be on an irreversible decline. By Seth Borenstein, The Associated Press Associated Press news story WASHINGTON — Global warming will eventually push 1 out of every 13 species on Earth into extinction, a new study projects. It won’t quite be Read More
CLF, NRCM, MABEP Petition PUC to Reverse Decision to Cut Energy Efficiency
Chance for PUC to Undo its Plan to Ignore & Subvert Legislative Intent News release Augusta, ME – Today the Conservation Law Foundation, the Natural Resources Council of Maine, and the Maine Association of Building Efficiency Professionals filed a motion with the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to “reconsider” its recent Order that would dramatically Read More
NRCM Testimony in Opposition to LDs 1120, 1191, and 1093, All Bills Related to the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code
Senator Amy Volk, Chair Representative Erin Herbig, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development NRCM Testimony in Opposition to LD 1120: An Act To Repeal the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code; in Opposition to LD 1191: An Act To Remove the Municipal andate To Enforce MUBEC; and in Opposition to LD Read More
Support of LD 1263, Create Jobs through Increased Access to Solar Energy
Senator David Woodsome, Chair Representative Mark Dion, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. Passage of this legislation is one of the top priorities for Read More
Solar Supporters Detail Economic and Public Benefits of Solar
Proposed Maine Solar Legislation Will Increase Access to Solar, Lower Electric Costs for All, Spur Job Creation NRCM news release Augusta, ME—Municipal, business, conservation leaders and others gathered at the State House today to describe the benefits of solar power for Maine, and urge lawmakers to take action to prevent Maine from falling further behind Read More
NRCM Testimony in Opposition to LD 791, An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Wind Energy Development Permitting
Senator Peter Edgecomb, Chair Representative Craig Hickman, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. Because this bill and LD 828 treat similar issues, we encourage Read More