Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and distinguished members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee. My name is David Costello. I am the Climate and Clean Energy Program Director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), and I am testifying today in support of LD 528, An Act to Advance Energy Storage in Maine. Adequately Read More
Climate change and global warming pollution harm Maine people, wildlife, and our environment. Among the highest rates of childhood asthma in the nation, rising seas and severe storms battering our coastal homes and towns, warming and more acidic oceans threatening fisheries, too many “bad air days,” more and more tick-borne diseases, threats to our fall foliage and winter tourism industries—these are among the many health, environmental, and economic problems climate change pollution is causing here in Maine.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine is working to reduce climate-changing pollution by making Maine more energy efficient. We work to provide clean, renewable energy and cleaner more efficient vehicles that will reduce Maine’s contribution to air pollution and climate change to ensure Maine people and wildlife have clean air to breathe.
Support of LD 170, An Act Pertaining to Transmission Lines Not Needed for Reliability or Local Generation
Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and distinguished members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee. My name is Sue Ely and I am the Climate and Clean Energy Policy Advocate and Staff Attorney for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). I am pleased to testify today in support of LD 170, An Act Pertaining to Read More
Support of LD 347, An Act To Facilitate Maine’s Climate Goals by Encouraging Use of Electric Vehicles
Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and distinguished members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee. My name is Sue Ely, and I am a staff attorney at the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I am pleased to testify today in support of LD 347, An Act To Facilitate Maine’s Climate Goals by Encouraging Use of Electric Read More
LD 340, Establishment of Commercial Property Assessed Programs
Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and distinguished members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee. My name is David Costello. I am the Climate and Clean Energy Program Director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), and I am testifying today in support of LD 340, An Act to Allow for the Establishment of Commercial Property Assessed Programs. Reducing Building Sector Read More
Support of LD 314, An Act to Continue the Green Power Electricity Offer
Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and distinguished members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee. I am pleased to provide this testimony in support of LD 314, An Act to Continue the Green Power Electricity Offer. Green Power Transition Vital Bolstering and accelerating our transition to a future powered by clean energy is key to Maine’s efforts to address climate change and to ensuring a Read More
Biden’s Climate Actions Will Benefit Maine’s Environment and Economy
President Biden today will issue a second round of executive orders focused on building a clean energy economy that works for all Americans by reducing fossil fuel pollution and investing in underserved communities. Maine’s leading environmental advocacy organization, the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), applauded the Biden Administration for prioritizing ambitious, science-based actions that Read More
What’s at Risk: Photo Essay of the Lands the CMP Corridor Would Destroy
Last fall, Sam Steele of South Portland, Maine, spent six days trekking through the mountainous woodlands of northwestern Maine along Segment 1 of the proposed CMP corridor. CMP has portrayed this region as nothing more than “working forest,” but Sam found something more than that during his trip. Crystal clear streams and mountains, abundant wildlife, Read More
A New Day for Climate Action in DC
Over the past four years, the clean air and water that fuels Maine’s economy has been threatened by the Trump Administration’s relentless rollbacks of more than 100 environmental safeguards and their refusal to hold corporate polluters accountable. Meanwhile, Mainers continue to experience the impacts of climate change first-hand, whether it be rising seas, extreme weather, Read More
NRCM Joins “Build by the Fourth of July” Campaign Urging Congress to Rebuild America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
The Natural Resources Council of Maine has joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), and more than 140 national and local organizations today launched the “Build by the Fourth of July” campaign, urging newly elected and reelected members of Congress to enact a fiscally and environmentally responsible infrastructure package by the Read More