News Release by the Natural Resources Council of Maine and Maine Conservation Voters April 22, 2021 (Augusta, Maine) — Maine environmental groups say that the two-day Leaders Summit on Climate convened today by President Joe Biden has returned the United States to a position of global leadership on climate action that will deliver real benefits Read More
Federal Climate & Energy Issues
NRCM partners with Mainers, businesses, and other local organizations to push Congress and the federal government to take ambitious climate action that will create millions of new jobs, deliver home-grown clean energy to power our future, and protect our health.
Working together with our supporters, NRCM has successfully advocated for the largest investment in climate in U.S. history and billions in infrastructure funding to make our communities more resilient. Moving forward, we will continue to hold Congress accountable to their responsibility to accelerate the transition to clean energy to avert the worst impacts of climate change
Biden’s Climate Actions Will Benefit Maine’s Environment and Economy
President Biden today will issue a second round of executive orders focused on building a clean energy economy that works for all Americans by reducing fossil fuel pollution and investing in underserved communities. Maine’s leading environmental advocacy organization, the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), applauded the Biden Administration for prioritizing ambitious, science-based actions that Read More
A New Day for Climate Action in DC
Over the past four years, the clean air and water that fuels Maine’s economy has been threatened by the Trump Administration’s relentless rollbacks of more than 100 environmental safeguards and their refusal to hold corporate polluters accountable. Meanwhile, Mainers continue to experience the impacts of climate change first-hand, whether it be rising seas, extreme weather, Read More
NRCM Joins “Build by the Fourth of July” Campaign Urging Congress to Rebuild America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
The Natural Resources Council of Maine has joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), and more than 140 national and local organizations today launched the “Build by the Fourth of July” campaign, urging newly elected and reelected members of Congress to enact a fiscally and environmentally responsible infrastructure package by the Read More
Supreme Court Replacement Could Impact Bedrock Environmental Protections
“People threatened or injured by public health and environmental harms depend on access to the courts to redress those harms. This is a pillar of the American justice system.” – Environmental Defense Fund “We need Justices who will make sure our courts remain a place where science and the law beat corruption and privilege.” — Read More
On 50th Anniversary of Unanimous Clean Air Vote, A Call for Bipartisan Climate Action
NRCM news release Augusta, ME (September 22, 2020) — On the 50th anniversary of a unanimous 1970 U.S. Senate vote to pass the Clean Air Act, Maine Independent Senator Angus King today joined clean air, public health, and climate experts at an event co-hosted by the Natural Resources Council of Maine to call for that Read More
Clean Car Rollback Latest Attack on Environmental and Health Safeguards by Trump Administration
Maine Public Health Association | Natural Resources Council of Maine | Maine Conservation Voters | Environment Maine March 31, 2020 (Augusta, ME) – As the nation faces an unprecedented public health and economic crisis, the Trump Administration continues its efforts to roll back critical science-backed safeguards that reduce pollution, protect the environment, save Americans money, Read More
Collins and King Sponsor Bill to Affirm U.S. Commitment to Paris Climate Agreement
NRCM News Release (Washington, DC) – Maine Senator Susan Collins joined 45 other Senators, including Senator Angus King, in co-sponsoring the International Climate Accountability Act, which would prevent the federal government from using any taxpayer resources to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. The Senate bill follows the passage of the House Read More
U.S. EPA Chooses Dirty Air Over Human Health
NRCM news release The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today took the final step of replacing the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) with an alternative that will increase levels of harmful air pollution nationwide, endangering human health and increasing premature deaths. Most at risk from this rollback will be children, seniors, and those with Read More