Augusta, ME (June 30, 2022) – Maine conservationists are expressing outrage over a decision issued today by the U.S. Supreme Court to dismantle the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to limit carbon pollution that is accelerating the impacts of climate change. The Natural Resources Council of Maine, one of the state’s largest and oldest conservation Read More
Federal Climate & Energy Issues
NRCM partners with Mainers, businesses, and other local organizations to push Congress and the federal government to take ambitious climate action that will create millions of new jobs, deliver home-grown clean energy to power our future, and protect our health.
Working together with our supporters, NRCM has successfully advocated for the largest investment in climate in U.S. history and billions in infrastructure funding to make our communities more resilient. Moving forward, we will continue to hold Congress accountable to their responsibility to accelerate the transition to clean energy to avert the worst impacts of climate change
Federal Funding Creates Opportunities for Maine
This is the third blog post in a series that will illuminate the ways federal funding has allowed Maine to successfully complete climate and clean energy projects; the projects that are underway with funding coming down the pipeline; and the needs that still exist for continued climate and clean energy work. Read the first blog Read More
Federal Funding Boosts Maine’s Climate Resilience
This is the second blog post in a series that will illuminate the ways federal funding has allowed Maine to successfully complete climate and clean energy projects; the projects that are underway with funding coming down the pipeline; and the needs that still exist for continued climate and clean energy work. Read the first blog Read More
US House Votes for Largest Investment in Climate Action and Clean Energy in History
NRCM statement by Emmie Theberge Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of the Build Back Better Act, which includes the largest investment in climate action and clean energy in U.S. history. Below is a statement from Emmie Theberge, Federal Director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine, regarding the House’s vote: “This Read More
What the Advanced Clean Trucks Rule Means for Maine
Trucks have an outsized impact on climate change in Maine. The transportation sector is responsible for 54% of Maine’s carbon pollution, and 27% of those emissions are from medium- and heavy-duty trucks. Reducing emissions from these heavier vehicles is a key part of Maine’s Climate Action Plan, which is why the Natural Resources Council of Maine is supporting the Maine Read More
Build Back Better Framework Will Support Maine’s Clean Energy Transition
NRCM news release (Augusta, ME) – The Build Back Better framework being announced today by President Joe Biden is a historic start to the long overdue and necessary action needed to combat climate change, and it deserves the support of Maine’s Congressional delegation, according to a statement issued by Maine’s leading environmental advocacy organization, the Read More
How Congress Can Support Maine’s Climate Action Plan
Maine’s Congressional delegation has before them the chance to build and pass the most important piece of climate legislation ever seen in the United States. This opportunity comes at a time when the latest report from the world’s leading climate scientists signaled a “Code Red for Humanity” – time is running out and immediate, bold Read More
74 Maine Groups Call for Broad Federal Infrastructure Investment
News release A broad federal infrastructure investment is needed to give Maine the chance to recover from the pandemic stronger and tackle climate change while providing dividends for decades to come, according to an open letter signed by 74 organizations across Maine. The diverse range of groups, which represent small businesses, regional chambers of commerce, Read More
The Power of Green Banking
Like many of you, on January 20, 2021, I took a very long exhale as I watched President Biden and VP Kamala Harris being sworn into office. I think the weight of four years of stress came out in that long exhale, and I felt a resurgence of hope seeing the flurry of executive orders Read More