NRCM news release Farmington, ME – Voters in Farmington tonight voted decisively to oppose the Central Maine Power (CMP) corridor project. The vote is another sign that CMP’s proposal to cut a huge transmission line through the North Woods to send hydropower from Canada to Massachusetts faces deep and growing opposition from residents throughout western Read More
CMP Transmission Line Proposal: A Bad Deal for Maine
Central Maine Power (CMP) is proposing to build a 145-mile, high-voltage, direct current transmission line from the Quebec-Maine border to an interconnection with the existing New England grid in Lewiston. About 53 miles of the CMP transmission line route would create a brand new transmission corridor; requiring clearing of a large, currently undisturbed, swath of Maine’s North Woods.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine opposes the CMP corridor because it would harm Maine forests and wildlife, suppress Maine's renewable energy industry, and could actually increase climate change emissions, all without any clear benefit to Maine or Massachusetts.
Under its proposal, CMP would expand the other 92 miles of transmission line, requiring clearing more vegetation and undertaking additional development within existing corridors. The proposed CMP transmission line includes above-ground transmission lines across the Kennebec River Gorge, the Appalachian Trail, 263 wetlands, 115 streams, 12 inland waterfowl and wading bird habitat areas, and near Beattie Pond, a Class 6 remote pond.
CMP Corridor is Not the Clean Energy Solution for Maine
Maine Campus newspaper editorial When picturing Maine, the Pine Tree State, it’s hard not to imagine the rocky coast, the rural farmland and the vast forests. In fact, Maine has the largest amount of overall forest coverage in the country. Our state is home to the end of the Appalachian Trail, which hosts over 2 Read More
Dozens Weigh In on Whether to Study Greenhouse Gas Impact of CMP Power Line
Supporters are skeptical that Central Maine Power’s proposal for a 145-mile transmission line connecting Quebec with Massachusetts will reduce emissions of gases tied to climate change. by Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — Opponents of Central Maine Power’s proposal to build a high-voltage transmission line through Maine urged lawmakers to Read More
Support of LD 640, Resolve, To Require a Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from Proposed CMP Transmission Corridor
Senator Carson, Representative Tucker, and distinguished members of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee. My name is Nick Bennett, and I am the Staff Scientist at the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). NRCM is Maine’s largest environmental advocacy group with more than 20,000 members and supporters. I am testifying in strong support of LD Read More
Wilton Latest Town to Oppose CMP Transmission Project Through Overwhelming Vote by Residents
Proposed CMP Settlement Fails to Change Minds NRCM News Release Tonight voters in the town of Wilton voted to rescind the town’s previous support and take a position opposed to CMP’s proposed transmission corridor from Canada through Western Maine. Like many other towns, Wilton’s select board had signed an early letter in support of the Read More
CMP Officials Pitch $1 Billion Transmission Project to Skeptical Residents in Gov. Mills’ Hometown
By Fred Bever Maine Public news story Listen to full news story. The dispute over Central Maine Power’s proposed transmission line through western Maine landed last night in Farmington, the hometown of Gov. Janet Mills. She strongly endorsed the project last week, but at the town’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting, CMP officials faced an audience Read More
By Supporting CMP Power Line, Mills Undercuts Efforts to Fight Climate Change
No supposed benefit offered by the utility is worth the damage that dirty power from Quebec will do to our environment. By Jonathan Carter, director of the Forest Ecology Network in Lexington Township Portland Press Herald op-ed LEXINGTON TOWNSHIP — What a total disappointment that the administration of Janet Mills has opted to follow the Read More
Moving Ahead on Climate and Clean Energy at the Maine State House
The legislative session is underway in Augusta, with continuing bipartisan support for action on clean energy and climate change. We are finally poised to make important strides on policies that reduce pollution; lower energy costs; and create a stronger, more sustainable economy for all Mainers. To do so, Maine people will need to stay engaged Read More
CMP “Settlement” Less Than Meets the Eye, Opposition to Corridor Continues to Grow
MA Attorney General testimony shows project would not reduce carbon pollution; Firefighters join growing chorus of opposition in Western Maine NRCM News Release Augusta – A settlement package being offered by Central Maine Power (CMP) for its highly contentious corridor project offers Maine people much less than meets the eye and is not worth the Read More