NRCM News Release October 16, 2019 (Augusta, ME)—As Central Maine Power’s (CMP) controversial transmission corridor proposal continues to face delays and growing public opposition, Congressman Jared Golden issued a strong letter of concern this morning to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The letter highlights the Army Corps’ lack of transparency in its permitting process Read More
CMP Transmission Line Proposal: A Bad Deal for Maine
Central Maine Power (CMP) is proposing to build a 145-mile, high-voltage, direct current transmission line from the Quebec-Maine border to an interconnection with the existing New England grid in Lewiston. About 53 miles of the CMP transmission line route would create a brand new transmission corridor; requiring clearing of a large, currently undisturbed, swath of Maine’s North Woods.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine opposes the CMP corridor because it would harm Maine forests and wildlife, suppress Maine's renewable energy industry, and could actually increase climate change emissions, all without any clear benefit to Maine or Massachusetts.
Under its proposal, CMP would expand the other 92 miles of transmission line, requiring clearing more vegetation and undertaking additional development within existing corridors. The proposed CMP transmission line includes above-ground transmission lines across the Kennebec River Gorge, the Appalachian Trail, 263 wetlands, 115 streams, 12 inland waterfowl and wading bird habitat areas, and near Beattie Pond, a Class 6 remote pond.
Six More Maine Towns and Two Major Unions Vote Overwhelmingly to Oppose CMP Corridor
20 Towns Have Voted to Oppose or Rescind Support NRCM News Release (Augusta, ME) – Six more towns in western Maine have all voted in the past two weeks to overwhelmingly oppose the Central Maine Power (CMP) corridor project. The United Steelworker’s Maine Labor Council and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) Local S6, Read More
U.S. EPA Says CMP’s Permit Application to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is Incomplete
Also Says CMP Permit Application Does Not Examine Less-damaging Alternatives, Such as Burial Along Existing Roads NRCM news release As Central Maine Power’s (CMP) controversial transmission line proposal continues to face growing scrutiny and opposition from Maine people and towns, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just issued a strongly worded letter to the Read More
Comments about CMP Corridor Submitted to Army Corps of Engineers
The Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) , and Trout Unlimited (TU) submitted these public comments to the Army Corps of Engineers on April 25, 2019, regarding Central Maine Power’s proposed “New England Clean Energy Connect” (NECEC) transmission line. Full comments Appendix: A.i. AMC, NRCM, and TU direct testimony combined A.ii. Read More
Starks is Latest Town to Join Chorus of Opposition to CMP Corridor
NRCM news release April 11, 2019 (Starks, ME) – Residents of Starks tonight overwhelmingly rejected a motion to support the Central Maine Power (CMP) corridor project by a vote of 42-14, becoming the latest town along the proposed massive transmission line to speak out against the project. The move by Starks is yet another example Read More
PUC’s Decision on CMP Corridor Deeply Flawed
NRCM news release April 11, 2019 (Hallowell, ME) – The Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) today issued a certificate of public convenience and necessity for Central Maine Power’s (CMP) corridor project. In a statement issued after the vote, Sue Ely, a Staff Attorney at the Natural Resources Council of Maine, called the decision deeply flawed Read More
NRCM Testimony in Support of Three Bills, LDs 1383, 1363, and 271, Regarding CMP Corridor
Senator Mark Lawrence, Chair Representative Seth Berry, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology Testimony in Support of: LD 1383, “An Act to Amend Maine’s Municipal Land Use and Eminent Domain Laws Regarding Transmission and Distribution Utilities” LD 1363, “An Act Regarding Energy Transmission Corridors” LD 271, “An Act Regarding a Transmission and Read More
Statewide Poll Shows Strong Opposition to CMP Corridor
As DEP/LUPC public hearings begin, 65% of Mainers oppose the project NRCM news release Augusta, ME – The vast majority of registered Maine voters are firmly opposed to Central Maine Power’s (CMP) proposed electricity corridor project, according to a new statewide poll conducted by the Portland-based research firm Critical Insights. The survey shows that 65% Read More
PUC Examiner’s Report on CMP Corridor Makes Troubling Conclusions
Fails to address key concern on climate impact, is out of step with growing opposition from Mainers NRCM news release Augusta, ME — The Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) staff today issued their “Examiner’s Report” for the Central Maine Power (CMP) corridor project. The review makes several troubling conclusions and includes a recommended decision from Read More