Urgent Action Needed to Protect Freshwater Fish, Their Habitats, & Related Economy NRCM and NWF Press Release Climate change is the most serious threat to America’s freshwater fish and urgent action is needed at all levels to preserve key species and their habitats, according to a new report released today by the National Wildlife Federation. Read More
Climate Change
Climate change and global warming pollution harm Maine people, wildlife, and our environment. Global warming, also known as climate change, is caused by a blanket of pollution that traps heat around the earth. This pollution comes from cars, factories, homes, and power plants that burn fossil fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas, and gasoline.
Climate-changing pollution knows no boundaries. It enters the atmosphere, spreads across the globe, and traps heat around the earth for 50-200 years after it is emitted. That is why we need to reduce global warming pollution now, because our children, and their children, will still feel the effects of global warming for years to come. Currently, the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are at their highest levels in hundreds of thousands of years.
Learn how you can reduce climate-changing pollution and advocate for a cleaner, healthier Maine.
“I Will Act on Climate” Bus Tour Arrives in Maine
Maine business, health, elected, academic, conservation leaders express their support, urge support for federal climate change standards Press Release Bangor/Portland—A coalition of local business, health, elected, academic, and conservation leaders are joining the “I Will Act on Climate” bus as it arrived in Bangor and Portland, Maine Monday, August 12, as part of 27-state tour. Read More
On 3rd Anniversary of Massive Tar Sands Spill: Mainers Rally
Urge Senator Collins to Join King, Michaud, Pingree, and Call for Full Environmental Review of Tar Sands Pipeline NRCM news release Today, on the third anniversary of the nation’s largest and most expensive oil pipeline spill, Mainers rallied at the Portland Water District headquarters, carrying signs and dressed in black to symbolize an oil spill. Read More
President’s Climate Plan: Good for National Security and Lobsters?
Mary Kuhlman, Public News Service Public News Service news story PORTLAND, Maine – Extreme weather events, including heavy rains and flooding, are just the tip of the iceberg for potential effects of climate change in Maine, experts say. One climate-related concern is national security, according to military leaders, scientists and environmentalists. Judy Berk, Natural Resources Read More
Project Puffin Celebrates 40 Years, Addresses New Dangers
By Aislinn Sarnacki, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story EASTERN EGG ROCK— Wings beating rapidly, an Atlantic puffin flew by, fish spilling from the sides of its orange bill. “He’s circling,” said Dr. Steve Kress, following the puffin with binoculars. “I think he has hake, maybe herring.” The puffin returned, flying low over the Read More
Learning about Lobsters
I get to do some pretty cool things thanks to my job at the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I met Bonnie Raitt at a concert on the eve of the removal of the Edwards Dam. NRCM was invited to work at a Phish concert (how cool is that?!) in Augusta. I met Senator George Read More
Climate Change Threat to Lobsters Spells Big Trouble for Maine
Lobstering, tourism, conservation interests launch campaign to protect iconic Maine species from carbon pollution threat NRCM and NWF news release Portland, ME — At the Maine Lobster Company, just days before the Fourth of July holiday, a diverse group representing Maine’s lobstering, tourism, conservation, and education interests gathered to launch an awareness campaign about the Read More
Scientists: Maine Lobster Industry Threatened by Climate Change
by Susan Sharon MPBN news story It’s that time of year when native Mainers and summer tourists alike don plastic bibs and get crackin’ on succulent Maine lobsters. Last year lobstermen landed about $340 million worth of these coveted crustaceans, generating $1 billion worth of economic activity to the state’s economy. But there’s a largely Read More
Otisfield Passes Resolution Opposing Sending Tar Sands Oil Through Town and Region
NRCM news release Otisfield, ME — Otisfield residents voted overwhelmingly at town meeting Saturday to pass a municipal resolution stating opposition to sending tar sands oil through ExxonMobil’s Portland-Montreal Pipeline, making it the seventh Maine town to publically and officially oppose the proposal. The 63-year-old pipeline, which stretches 236 miles from Montreal to South Portland, Read More