by Grady Trimble, WCSH WCSH-6 news story PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — About 200 people braved the chilly weather on New Year’s Eve and plunged into the Atlantic Ocean at the East End Beach. Organizers with the Natural Resources Council of Maine said the 8th annual Polar Bear Dip and Dash raised about $25,000. The money Read More
Climate Change
Climate change and global warming pollution harm Maine people, wildlife, and our environment. Global warming, also known as climate change, is caused by a blanket of pollution that traps heat around the earth. This pollution comes from cars, factories, homes, and power plants that burn fossil fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas, and gasoline.
Climate-changing pollution knows no boundaries. It enters the atmosphere, spreads across the globe, and traps heat around the earth for 50-200 years after it is emitted. That is why we need to reduce global warming pollution now, because our children, and their children, will still feel the effects of global warming for years to come. Currently, the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are at their highest levels in hundreds of thousands of years.
Learn how you can reduce climate-changing pollution and advocate for a cleaner, healthier Maine.
Leaders of Nearly 50 Maine Clean Energy Businesses Urge Collins, King to Defend EPA Clean Power Plan
Action on climate-changing pollution critical to Maine’s economy, way of life NRCM News Release Today, clean energy business leaders gathered in Portland at ReVision Energy’s headquarters to release a letter urging Maine Senators Susan Collins and Angus King to continue their support for the Clean Power Plan. If ongoing efforts to repeal it are unsuccessful, the plan Read More
Citizens, Workers, Businesses, Towns, & Others Urge Adoption of Strong Solar Policy for Maine
Say Maine Can’t Afford to Fall Further Behind on Solar Power & Jobs News Release Hallowell, ME – A diverse group of people and organizations gathered today at the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to urge policymakers to develop and adopt a comprehensive solar policy that can move Maine out of last place in the Read More
NRCM Weighs In On Obama Rejection of Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline
Statement of Dylan Voorhees, Clean Energy Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine NRCM news release Today, President Obama announced that he has rejected the request from a Canadian company to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would have transported tars sands oil from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. “Today’s announcement by President Read More
Maine Business Owners Explore Challenges, Opportunities of Climate Change
During a South Portland panel discussion moderated by U.S. Sen. Angus King, they share examples of how sustainability measures can cut costs while making companies greener. By Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story SOUTH PORTLAND — Several Maine business owners said Friday that adapting to climate change doesn’t have to be costly Read More
NRCM Blasts LePage Administration on Energy Efficiency Policies
By Mal Leary MPBN news story In what may be the opening skirmish in a long battle over the three-year budget for Efficiency Maine, the Natural Resources Council of Maine is accusing the LePage Administration of seeking to reduce funding for weatherization and for home heating system improvements. The LePage Administration says that is just Read More
Shellfish Can’t Keep Up with Shifting Ocean Chemistry
by Colin Woodard, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story In seawater tanks in a refrigerated room at the Darling Marine Center, the baby mussels are thriving. Two months ago they were near-invisible larvae, swimming around in the tanks. Now tens of thousands of the tiny mollusks, each just a few millimeters long, have attached Read More
Polar Bear Dip & Dash: It’s Just “Mind Over Matter”
My breath rose in clouds in front of my face as I rubbed my double-mittened hands together and looked up at the enormous digital clock above the city buildings: 10:45am. Fifteen minutes until the race start. Then…the time display was replaced by the temperature: 5 degrees. It was December 31st in 2013, and I sat in the Read More
Gulf of Maine’s Cold-craving Marine Species Forced to Retreat to Deeper Waters
by Colin Woodard, staff writer Portland Press Herald news story For 178 years, dams stood across the Penobscot River here, obstructing salmon and other river-run fish from reaching the watershed’s vast spawning grounds, which extend all the way to the Quebec border. Now, two years after the dam’s removal, the salmon’s proponents fear the fish Read More