Portland Press Herald news story Portland city councilors will consider a new goal of powering municipal operations with 100 percent clean energy by 2040. City Councilor Spencer Thibodeau, chairman of the Sustainability and Transportation Committee, is presenting the goal in the form of a council resolution. Thibodeau will formally announce the goal Thursday at a Read More
Climate Change
Climate change and global warming pollution harm Maine people, wildlife, and our environment. Global warming, also known as climate change, is caused by a blanket of pollution that traps heat around the earth. This pollution comes from cars, factories, homes, and power plants that burn fossil fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas, and gasoline.
Climate-changing pollution knows no boundaries. It enters the atmosphere, spreads across the globe, and traps heat around the earth for 50-200 years after it is emitted. That is why we need to reduce global warming pollution now, because our children, and their children, will still feel the effects of global warming for years to come. Currently, the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are at their highest levels in hundreds of thousands of years.
Learn how you can reduce climate-changing pollution and advocate for a cleaner, healthier Maine.
Report Documents Damage to Maine if Proposed EPA Budget Cuts are Approved
NRCM news release Augusta, Maine – The Trump Administration has proposed deep cuts to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) programs that reduce pollution in Maine, save the lives of Maine people, and strengthen our communities and economy. According to a comprehensive new report by the Natural Resources Council of Maine, the Administration’s unprecedented proposed cuts to Read More
Neither For Nor Against LD 1149, An Act To Provide Revenue To Fix and Rebuild Maine’s Infrastructure and in Support of LD 1150, Resolve, To Establish the Road Usage Charge Task Force
My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM.) Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony on these two related bills. NRCM supports some provisions in LD 1149 and opposes others. We support LD 1150 and have some suggestions for additional considerations Read More
Opposition to LD 771, An Act to Protect Political Speech and Prevent Climate Change Policy Profiling
Senator Lisa Keim, Chair Representative Matthew Moonen, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Climate & Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. NRCM strongly opposes this legislation for one overall reason. Although the bill Read More
Support of LD 1062, An Act to Expand the Availability of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Maine
Senator David Woodsome, Chair Representative Mark Dion, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. NRCM strongly supports efforts to expand the use of electric Read More
President Trump Issues Executive Order Denying Climate Science
Statement by NRCM Executive Director Lisa Pohlmann “President Trump’s Executive Order today rolls back years of climate progress and takes us completely in the wrong direction. His denial of climate science is unconscionable. Today he has put his climate denial into action by attacking the safeguards that protect the health of America’s families. “In the Read More
Maine Environmentalists Oppose President Trump’s Budget, Policies
Maine environmentalists are up in arms over proposals by President Donald Trump to slash funding for the Environmental Protection Agency and pare fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks. by Steve Collins, Staff Writer Sun Journal news story Lisa Pohlmann, executive director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine, said Thursday that the president “has declared Read More
Trump EPA Budget “Declares War on Clean Air, Clean Water, and Public Health,” Statement by NRCM
Statement of Lisa Pohlmann, Executive Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “President Trump today released an irresponsible EPA budget that threatens the health of Maine people, our environment, and our economy. In proposing to cut EPA’s funding by 31% and personnel by 3,200, and eliminate more than 50 programs, President Trump has declared war on Read More
Trump’s Attack on Cleaner Cars Will Harm Maine, Statement by NRCM
Statement of Dylan Voorhees, Climate & Clean Energy Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “President Trump has proposed rolling back pollution and efficiency standards for new cars and trucks. This would be bad news for Maine. “Since Maine has one of the highest asthma rates in the nation, air pollution is a big issue. And Read More