Maine’s Climate Action Plan is appropriately titled Maine Won’t Wait. With record-breaking temperatures and wildfires in the western U.S., deadly floods in Germany, and a heatwave sweeping across Siberia, it is abundantly clear that the planet can’t wait any longer for the necessary widespread, global, and transformative actions required to address the mounting impacts of Read More
Effects of Sea-level Rise on Maine
NRCM released one of the most complete depictions ever done of the potential impacts on Maine’s coastline from sea-level rise due to global warming. Our advanced scientific analysis shows that coastal businesses, homes, wildlife habitat, transportation systems, and some of the state’s most treasured places are highly vulnerable to sea-level rise.
NRCM calculated sea-level rise impacts for the entire coast and found at least 20 high-risk cities and towns that stand to lose 20 to 30 percent of their land area, their municipal infrastructure, miles of highways, and millions of dollars of property.
Sea-level Rise Hurting Maine’s Waterfront Real Estate Values
A study released this week show Maine lost about $70 million in appreciated waterfront property values from 2005 to 2017. By Eric Russell and Kevin Miller, Staff Writers Portland Press Herald news story Increased tidal flooding caused by sea level rise has contributed to a loss of $70 million in the appreciation of waterfront real estate Read More
Maine Coast Could Be Devastated by Global Warming
Analysis Shows Major Impacts to Homes, Economy, and Environment PORTLAND, MAINE – Today, the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) released one of the most complete depictions ever done of the potential impacts on Maine’s coastline from rising sea levels due to global warming. Using the latest available science, NRCM’s analysis shows that coastal businesses, Read More
Where Global Warming is Projected to Flood Maine Coast
NRCM statement Good morning and welcome. My name is Dylan Voorhees and I’m the Clean Energy Director at the Natural Resource Council of Maine. Today the Natural Resources Council of Maine is revealing what we believe to be the most comprehensive look to date at the impact of sea-level rise on the coast of Maine. Read More