If you’ve spent any time recently on Maine’s roads, you’ve likely recognized an emerging reality: the transition to electric vehicles is well under way, and more Mainers than ever are driving electric. Recognizing that there are still a lot of questions about this new technology, we decided to go straight to the thousands of Mainers Read More
Cleaner Transportation
Many people are surprised to learn that cars and trucks are the single largest source of climate-changing pollution in Maine, at roughly 55 percent. This pollution that exacerbates global warming isn’t just threatening our natural resource-based economy here in Maine, it is also impacting our air quality and the health of Maine families and children. By driving electric vehicles, Mainers are reducing air pollution that harms our environment, our health, and our natural resources-based economy. Our electricity mix here in Maine is one of the cleanest in the country, and that makes plug-in electric cars far more environmentally friendly than even the most efficient hybrid car.
Survey of Maine EV Owners Shows Reliability, Cost Savings Among Top Benefits
NRCM news release August 17, 2022 (Augusta, ME) – A new survey of electric vehicle owners in all 16 of Maine’s counties shows that Maine people value electric vehicles (EVs) for their reliability, performance, and the cost savings they provide. The survey conducted by the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) in April 2022 by Read More
4 Ways the Historic Climate Bill Will Benefit Mainers
The most significant investment in climate action and clean energy in U.S. history has been signed into law, and it’s good news for Maine! The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will have big benefits for Maine people by making clean energy, home efficiency and electrification, and electric vehicles more affordable for everyday people. We know these Read More
My EV Road Trip from Los Angeles to Maine
We met Peter LaFond of Falmouth when he volunteered at a data entry party hosted at the Natural Resources Council of Maine office to help us analyze the results from our latest survey of electric car owners in Maine! More people than ever own electric cars, and we’re excited to bring their lessons learned to Read More
Federal Funding Creates Opportunities for Maine
This is the third blog post in a series that will illuminate the ways federal funding has allowed Maine to successfully complete climate and clean energy projects; the projects that are underway with funding coming down the pipeline; and the needs that still exist for continued climate and clean energy work. Read the first blog Read More
Why Maine’s New Grid Planning Law is Good for Climate and Clean Energy
A new law passed in 2022, LD 1959, requires Maine’s utilities to undergo a transparent “integrated grid planning” process for developing a reliable electric grid that supports the transition to clean energy at the lowest possible cost. For the first time, these plans must be tied to Maine’s ambitious requirements to cut greenhouse gas emissions Read More
Federal Funding Boosts Maine’s Climate Resilience
This is the second blog post in a series that will illuminate the ways federal funding has allowed Maine to successfully complete climate and clean energy projects; the projects that are underway with funding coming down the pipeline; and the needs that still exist for continued climate and clean energy work. Read the first blog Read More
Why Are My Energy Bills So High? It’s Because of Fossil Fuels.
Since the fall, we’ve seen the consequences of our continued dependence on oil and gas here in Maine: Heating oil and utility gas prices have spiked, becoming unaffordable for too many Maine people. The New England grid’s reliance on expensive natural gas caused electricity prices to nearly double this winter. And now Putin’s war in Read More
Support of LD 2003, An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Increase Housing Opportunities in Maine by Studying Zoning and Land Use Restrictions
Senator Daughtry, Representative Sylvester, Members of the Labor and Housing Committee. My name is Jack Shapiro, I’m the Climate and Clean Energy Program Director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine, and I’m here to testify in support of LD 2003, An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Increase Housing Opportunities in Read More