So far more than 1.7 million people, including more than 9,000 people from Maine, have written to support the first-ever national safeguards essential to protect Americans from climate-changing carbon pollution from new power plants! That makes two historic firsts, because this is the also largest number of public comments ever received by the EPA. Power plants Read More
Nature of Maine Blog
The Natural Resources Council of Maine’s “Nature of Maine” blog gives you the inside scoop on some of the latest issues facing Maine’s environment. From environmental news to threats to opportunities, NRCM is on the frontlines of the latest goings-on—and we’re often leading the charge on efforts to protect Maine’s precious lands, air, waters, and wildlife. Read what NRCM staff members have to say and get the perspective of some of our members and supporters who have been guest contributors.
Perhaps you have an issue you’d like to write about. Maybe you’re an expert on a particular topic and are inspired to share your expertise. Maybe you’ve recently made a visit to a spectacular Maine nature preserve or other natural area and would like to write about it (captioned photos welcome!). For submission guidelines, email
Lawn Advice from a “Lawn Neglect” Expert
A word of warning: this blog post will have nothing to do with hunting. Hunting season ended a long time ago (not true if you are a turkey hunter, but I am not, so turkey season doesn’t really count for me). It’s hard to imagine that in three months goose season will start. That seems like ages from Read More
It’s About “Dam” Time
I have worked at NRCM for more than 16 years. During that time I have seen a lot of amazing progress made by NRCM and others to protect Maine’s air, land, water, and wildlife. I have attended press conferences, legislative bill signings, member events, public hearings, annual meetings, and many other activities related to our Read More
Honoring Rachel Carson on Earth Day
I got up early one morning and happened to look out my second-story bedroom window. There in an oak tree, directly across from me, was a Bald Eagle as tall as a skateboard. We were eye to eye, and gazed at each other for a minute or so, before he spread his wide wings and Read More
New Report Sheds Light on Disappointing Winter
Last winter, I wrote a blog post, Joys of a Maine winter, sharing my love for winter fishing in Maine. But this winter has been disappointing. With the warm December and January, and early spring (summer, really) temperatures, the ice fishing season was much abbreviated. I got out on the ice maybe only five times this Read More
Inside Maine’s Woods
You are used to watching our “Insider” videos from the State House or various other venues where NRCM staff are working each day. We thought this video was a great way to bring you “inside” Maine’s woods. The video is taken by a homemade motion-sensored camera built by NRCM member Bryan Wells. Read more about this video Read More
Wildlife Observation with Motion-Activated Cameras
Editor’s Note: NRCM member Bryan Wells sent along a video of a bobcat feeding on a frozen deer carcass. The video, captured using equipment he assembled and deployed himself, is one of many action pieces showing Maine’s fascinating wildlife doing what they do when they think no one is watching. We invited Bryan to share Read More
A Birder’s Take on Signs of Spring
Last year around this time, dozens of cars lined up along Route 126 from South Gardiner to Gardiner. Children, along with one or both of their parents, gazed out through the windows or stood nearby as two Coast Guard ice breakers plowed their way up the Kennebec River, slicing through thick layers of ice—an annual Read More
Winter Camping in Maine’s Wilderness: A Reminder to Take Action
“Crunch, crunch, crunch.” The sound of my snowshoes mark our progress slowly down the flowage in northern Maine. Our group of five NRCM members, including our treasurer, Chris Bond (pictured, on the right), is embarking on our annual winter camping trip along this quiet waterway. Traditional camping with toboggans, snowshoes, canvas tents, and portable wood stoves Read More