The leaves are out, spring has sprung, and Gorham Middle Schools students are learning lots about Maine tree species and how to measure and protect them for future use. Check out this update from teacher Angela Gospodarek! Spring is finally in the air and the trees are starting to unfurl their new leaves. We had a Read More
Nature of Maine Blog
The Natural Resources Council of Maine’s “Nature of Maine” blog gives you the inside scoop on some of the latest issues facing Maine’s environment. From environmental news to threats to opportunities, NRCM is on the frontlines of the latest goings-on—and we’re often leading the charge on efforts to protect Maine’s precious lands, air, waters, and wildlife. Read what NRCM staff members have to say and get the perspective of some of our members and supporters who have been guest contributors.
Perhaps you have an issue you’d like to write about. Maybe you’re an expert on a particular topic and are inspired to share your expertise. Maybe you’ve recently made a visit to a spectacular Maine nature preserve or other natural area and would like to write about it (captioned photos welcome!). For submission guidelines, email
Winter: Moosehead Lake and the Kennebec River, Day 1 Part 2
You would think the cold created a woods devoid of life, frozen, if you will, until the spring thaw brings warmth and energy back to Little Moose Mountain. You would be wrong! Throughout most of our hike, the calls and chatter of Golden-crowned Kinglets, Black-capped Chickadees, and Red Squirrels rained down on us from the Read More
St. George School Students Calculate Stream Flow
Students at St. George School are taking advantage of spring by getting outside to measure their local stream! Check out their findings below! By Jake Paulsen and Hunter Hoppe When we went down to the marsh to practice measuring the stream, it was fun and interesting at the same time. It was a beautiful morning Read More
State House Action Day: Providing a Voice for Students Across Maine
On March 1st, the Natural Resource Council of Maine hosted their annual State House Action Day where students from all across the state attended. Representatives from University of Maine Orono, Unity College, and University of New England gathered to discuss critical bills currently going through the Legislature including LD 1649, a comprehensive solar energy bill, Read More
Next Generation Takes Action to Help Ban Single-use Foam Containers in Brunswick
Last year as a junior in high school I took an environmental science course where I was asked to assess an environmental issue of importance to my town. I chose to look at plastics bags and the impact a five-cent fee would have on the residents and businesses in Brunswick. As part of my research Read More
Winter: Moosehead Lake and the Kennebec River, Day 1 Part 1
It had been almost exactly a year since I had last seen snow. As we drove to Moosehead Lake in the North Woods of Maine, we definitely didn’t have that problem. Despite an unseasonably warm December in the state, we were driving the day after the winter’s first blizzard, and anywhere between five and eight Read More
Palermo School Students Map Nature
Check out this beautiful map designed by students and teachers at the Palermo School, who are using their NRCM Grant to design and build a nature trail behind their school! The Palermo School Trail Project is moving along. This map depicts our new .75-mile trail that will wind through the 18-acre parcel of town land Read More
King Middle School Students Germinate Native Plant Species
Students at King Middle School have begun the second phase of their NRCM Grant Project, which involves germinating seeds that will eventually provide crucial habitat and sustenance to local bird species. Check out their progress! Our first step in learning how to sustain wildlife with native plants has been to learn about seed plants. As Read More
Thirty Acre Farm; Farming and Fermenting to Make Maine More Sustainable
Jane and Simon Frost know full well how valuable old time traditions can be in our new, fast paced world. In addition to owning and operating Thirty Acre Farm in Whitefield, the Frosts are helping to preserve (excuse the pun) the ancient tradition of fermenting food for preservation and health. Fermentation is an amazing, and Read More