After a delicious breakfast at Pittston Farm – complete with Guy’s homemade donuts – we packed camping and fishing gear into the car. In our beat up Ford Explorer we had miles to go on dirt roads before we made it to an access point for Fifth Pond. From the road, we flushed both Gray Read More
Nature of Maine Blog
The Natural Resources Council of Maine’s “Nature of Maine” blog gives you the inside scoop on some of the latest issues facing Maine’s environment. From environmental news to threats to opportunities, NRCM is on the frontlines of the latest goings-on—and we’re often leading the charge on efforts to protect Maine’s precious lands, air, waters, and wildlife. Read what NRCM staff members have to say and get the perspective of some of our members and supporters who have been guest contributors.
Perhaps you have an issue you’d like to write about. Maybe you’re an expert on a particular topic and are inspired to share your expertise. Maybe you’ve recently made a visit to a spectacular Maine nature preserve or other natural area and would like to write about it (captioned photos welcome!). For submission guidelines, email
Approaching the Ecological Event Horizon
by Stephen Mulkey, PhD “If looking into the sun may cause blindness, then human insights into nature entail a terrible price.” – Andrew Glickson, Australian National University, 2014 “If we don’t act soon, there will only be tiny remnants of wilderness around the planet, and this is a disaster for conservation, for climate change, and Read More
Katahdin Woods & Waters, Climate Change, & the Public Trust
by Stephen Mulkey, PhD, for The Natural Resources Council of Maine On Wednesday, 24 August 2016, President Obama designated a large parcel of Maine’s North Woods as the nation’s newest federal parkland. Many environmental groups and environmentally inclined citizens have worked diligently for several years to create the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. These Read More
A Monumental Moment for Maine
We are thrilled about President Obama’s decision to establish a new national monument in Maine on land east of Baxter State Park. We can think of no better way to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service than with the addition of the wonderful Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. We are delighted Read More
The Value of Carbon Capture and Sequestration as an Ecosystem Service
by Stephen Mulkey for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. “Carbon dioxide is natural. It is not harmful. It is part of Earth’s lifecycle.” Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) speaking in the House on Earth Day 2009 “Essentially these communities of organisms are our life support system.” Hal Mooney, Achilles Professor of Environmental Biology, Stanford University, Read More
A Great Sustainability Effort Dawns in the Maine Town the Sun Touches First
Lubec, Maine, is an incredibly picturesque little town at the far eastern edge of Maine. Nestled at the end of Maine’s rugged, bold coastline, Lubec features many opportunities to engage locals and draw visitors. The quaint downtown contains a few dozen shops lining the main street, which leads to the foot of the bridge reaching Read More
Four Days on the International AT in the Proposed National Monument
Spectacular views of mountains. Forests stretching to the horizon. Huge trees, gorgeous waterfalls, raspberries and more raspberries—these are some of the highlights of our four-day hike on the International Appalachian Trail (IAT) in the proposed new National Monument along the East Branch of the Penobscot River. East of Baxter State Park, the land is owned Read More
Spring: Day 1 on Fifth Pond, Headwaters of the St. John River
The spring trip was up to Fifth Pond and the headwaters of the Saint John River. More than 400 miles long, this waterway rushes from Fifth Pond all the way to the Bay of Fundy. For stretches, it creates a watery border between Maine and Canada. Like many areas in northern Maine, the population at Read More
The Integrity of Ecosystems
by Stephen Mulkey for the Natural Resources Council of Maine “An essential paradox of wilderness conservation is that we seek to preserve what must change.” Steward Pickett and P.S. White 1985 “We must focus our attention on the rates at which changes occur, understanding that certain changes are natural, desirable, and acceptable, while others are not.” Read More