Some days are better than others. That’s true when it comes to birding (though there’s no such thing as a bad day of birding), and it’s definitely true when it comes to warbler watching. Any opportunity to avoid the dreaded “warbler neck” (the cramping that comes from staring up at these tiny birds as they Read More
Nature of Maine Blog
The Natural Resources Council of Maine’s “Nature of Maine” blog gives you the inside scoop on some of the latest issues facing Maine’s environment. From environmental news to threats to opportunities, NRCM is on the frontlines of the latest goings-on—and we’re often leading the charge on efforts to protect Maine’s precious lands, air, waters, and wildlife. Read what NRCM staff members have to say and get the perspective of some of our members and supporters who have been guest contributors.
Perhaps you have an issue you’d like to write about. Maybe you’re an expert on a particular topic and are inspired to share your expertise. Maybe you’ve recently made a visit to a spectacular Maine nature preserve or other natural area and would like to write about it (captioned photos welcome!). For submission guidelines, email
Talking about Trout: An Update from Mahoney Middle School
A couple of weeks ago, our science teacher, Ms. Pitt, and our class decided to check on the trout. Although at first glance everything seemed normal, when we checked the chiller it read 20 degrees Celsius. This was a problem that our class did not anticipate, especially since the trout had been familiar with approximately Read More
Black Bear Bridge Project Update
Finally the snow banks have melted in the woods behind the school! We knew it was time to go out and check the condition of our trail. Four of us, Brandon, Max, Joselyn, and Logan, decided to trek out and take some photos of what we found. As we ventured out, we came across a Read More
Protecting Pushaw Lake: Students Work to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution
Just when it looked like the winter had finally ended and the snow was gone for the foreseeable future, we were surprised by six more inches of snow. Fortunately, in the short window that we had with bare ground, we were able to take a look at a few potential worksites for our Nonpoint Source Pollution Read More
St. George School Goes “Digital”
Our research project this spring is an investigation of salinity effects on alewife reproduction in our marsh. Despite state stocking of alewives, a self-sustaining run has not developed. We want to learn what effect spring tides may be creating in the marsh, and whether salinity may be having an effect on alewife eggs or fry. Read More
Maine’s Most Adaptable Bird?
We were captivated one recent evening by the songs of American Robins. As we listened to their carols echoing around our neighborhood during a lull in the rain showers, we started thinking about how adaptable robins are. We’d seen small flocks here and there over the winter, and just last week saw them in Florida Read More
Making Recycling a Lifelong Habit at China Middle School
In mid-March, JMG received a piece of mail that was anticipated with great excitement. Inside that envelope was the key that would open the door for a revamped recycling program. Eighth graders, Joe Wing and Colby Willey, proudly showed the grant check from the Natural Resources Council of Maine. The $500 grant award was able to give Read More
Exploring Harrison Elementary School’s Nature Trail
Winters’ hold only loosened for a moment here at our school in the Western Lakes Region of Maine. Since our last blog post, the slow melting of snow, and now the addition of more, has only allowed for us to be out on our trail one day so far. Our school does “Quest” each Friday Read More
Kineo Water Testing Fieldwork by King Middle School
As my classmates and I exited the minibus that brought us from King Middle School to the back of Rowe Elementary, where Capisic Brook was located, we could not wait to begin a full day of testing elements. It was another day packed full of fieldwork to collect necessary tests and results that will contribute Read More