Maine is the first state in the nation to hold big corporations and brands accountable for the plastic waste and packaging they have created. Our new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging law (LD 1541) will increase recycling rates, reduce packaging pollution, and save taxpayers money. This is a very big deal, folks. And not because we’re the first, but because it Read More
Nature of Maine Blog
The Natural Resources Council of Maine’s “Nature of Maine” blog gives you the inside scoop on some of the latest issues facing Maine’s environment. From environmental news to threats to opportunities, NRCM is on the frontlines of the latest goings-on—and we’re often leading the charge on efforts to protect Maine’s precious lands, air, waters, and wildlife. Read what NRCM staff members have to say and get the perspective of some of our members and supporters who have been guest contributors.
Perhaps you have an issue you’d like to write about. Maybe you’re an expert on a particular topic and are inspired to share your expertise. Maybe you’ve recently made a visit to a spectacular Maine nature preserve or other natural area and would like to write about it (captioned photos welcome!). For submission guidelines, email
Reaching Out with Digital Outreach
The heart of NRCM’s mission has always been to mobilize people who care about Maine’s environment. This year, we are building on our legacy of grassroots organizing. We’re excited to introduce Kristin Jackson as our new Digital Outreach Manager. Kristin is building on our existing digital organizing work and is highly focused on finding more Read More
Victory for Land for Maine’s Future
Maine’s most popular and effective conservation program is finally funded, and the money will be available right away! On July 1, Governor Janet Mills signed into law LD 221, the FY21-23 Appropriations Bill, which includes $40 million over four years for the Land for Maine’s Future program (LMF). Because the budget was passed by at Read More
Maine Student Receives National Recognition for Plastic Pollution Project
It has always been Maine’s young people that have spoken up the loudest for us to address the problems of plastic pollution. Maya Faulstich, a student at Yarmouth’s Frank Harrison Middle School, is one of those passionate young Mainers who is trying to raise awareness and she’s turned this passion into an award-winning presentation for Read More
Bird/Doggy-ing the Neighborhood
Dogs change things. Since recently adopting one into our family (joining the ranks of many Natural Resources Council of Maine colleagues), we now have a dog snuggled at our feet if we’re working at the desk, cuddled on or near our laps if we’re watching the NBA playoffs (go, Hawks!), and curled up on our Read More
Celebrating Pride: Common Connections in Maine’s Environment
All of us should take pride in what the nature of Maine provides for us—sustenance, peace, and perhaps most importantly: a safe space that is inherently meant for everyone. We can’t deny that we live in a world and in a society that are filled with fear and hate of those who are deemed different, Read More
Critter Chatter – Mother Nature’s Amazing Genetics
Facebook wildlife and rehab groups often share photos of interesting critters, but I don’t know how many readers have ever seen a piebald animal. My husband and I were fortunate to see a wild piebald deer in the Hancock area a couple of years ago, and when I recently came across old photos of a Read More
Permanently Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Arctic Refuge) is a place of spectacular beauty as well as ecological and cultural significance, but right now it’s vulnerable to oil and gas development. These industries threaten to pollute our air and water, degrade public lands, and ruin an Indigenous way of life. As Mainers we value our public lands and the space they provide for recreation and wildlife conservation just Read More
The Truth about Maine’s Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Bill
Maine people want to recycle, but it has become too costly and too confusing. This is because much of our packaging waste cannot be easily recycled, and Maine’s municipalities are struggling to foot the bill and must raise taxes to support recycling programs. It’s high time to require the corporate producers of packaging waste—like Amazon, Read More