I distinctly remember my phone call with Lisa Pohlmann, CEO of NRCM. Beforehand, I made some mental preparations, assuming I’d be asked to discuss how my interests and proficiencies qualify me for an intern post. I had gotten to know NRCM more by visiting their website, too. I had read some blogs, played with the Read More
Nature of Maine Blog
The Natural Resources Council of Maine’s “Nature of Maine” blog gives you the inside scoop on some of the latest issues facing Maine’s environment. From environmental news to threats to opportunities, NRCM is on the frontlines of the latest goings-on—and we’re often leading the charge on efforts to protect Maine’s precious lands, air, waters, and wildlife. Read what NRCM staff members have to say and get the perspective of some of our members and supporters who have been guest contributors.
Perhaps you have an issue you’d like to write about. Maybe you’re an expert on a particular topic and are inspired to share your expertise. Maybe you’ve recently made a visit to a spectacular Maine nature preserve or other natural area and would like to write about it (captioned photos welcome!). For submission guidelines, email nrcm@nrcm.org.
Technical School Students Create Accessible Composter in Brunswick
We know many will agree with the sentiment that backyard composting is a lot of fun, and you don’t need expertise to do it right. But the truth is, composters are not designed with everyone in mind. The backyard composting systems on the market can be cumbersome and require physical strength and space that many Read More
What Do Great Blue Herons “Really” Eat?
Everybody knows Great Blue Herons. Or think they do. Sure, their tall, long-necked, dagger-billed profiles make them pretty unmistakable as they stake their claims across Maine’s ocean shores, lakesides, ponds, streams, rivers, and muddy wetlands. Natural Resources Council of Maine members have shared with us oodles of photos of these magnificent birds. Maybe you call Read More
Monhegan Weekend: Hurricanes, Harbor Seals, and a Shark!
The Maine coastline is dappled with scenic islands, providing ample opportunities for exploration and appreciation. This is particularly true of the region in and around Penobscot Bay, featuring perennial all-stars like Mt. Desert Island and Vinalhaven alongside hundreds of lesser known, but equally alluring, sea-framed rocks. Recently, I had the pleasure of venturing to one Read More
Top 10 Climate and Clean Energy Accomplishments from Maine’s 2021 Legislative Session
Maine’s Climate Action Plan is appropriately titled Maine Won’t Wait. With record-breaking temperatures and wildfires in the western U.S., deadly floods in Germany, and a heatwave sweeping across Siberia, it is abundantly clear that the planet can’t wait any longer for the necessary widespread, global, and transformative actions required to address the mounting impacts of Read More
Re-wilding Maine: The Importance of Native Plants for Native Wildlife
The small patch of Maine I call home is a cohesive, coastal neighborhood with a unifying aesthetic that includes well-tended turf lawns and meticulously managed garden beds. Spring and fall are for clean up, and the summer months are filled with a roar of engines that aim to maintain the leafless, weedless environment of our Read More
Critter Chatter — Little Stinkers
Over the past month, I’ve had the unexpected pleasure to see skunk families waddling along the side of the road. Just watching them makes me smile, so voila – the topic of this month’s column! I suspected Carleen had written about skunks in the past and sure enough, I found an article, some of which Read More
Becoming a Recreational Maine Guide
Being active in the outdoors, and having a prior career in the outdoor industry, I’ve toyed with the idea of going for my Recreational Maine Guide license off and on over the years. With more spare time than usual over this past winter, I figured it was a good excuse to go for it. First Read More
One of Maine’s Gems: Take a Photo Tour of the Moosehead Region
The Moosehead Lake region is one of Maine’s greatest gems. It is well known and loved for its stunning vistas, endless recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat for iconic and threatened species, close-knit community, and rich cultural history. The centerpiece is Moosehead Lake, Maine’s largest lake, stretching nearly 40 miles long and 12 miles wide. For thousands of years the Abenaki people Read More