The sun sets on a great day of climate action
What an amazing day! We were just featured on the WCSH-6 TV news at 6:00. We have gotten back to the bus and are headed home. Hopefully the wind and snow have stopped by the time we get home tomorrow morning.

Sunday 1:15 p.m.

The photo is a little blurry, but I wanted you share a photo from the bus at 15 minutes
from our destination (7:30 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 17). Excitement on the bus is building as we look forward to our arrival and the reason we’re here: to send a clear message to President Obama and Congress that it’s time to move #ForwardOnClimate!

You can see some pictures of our group as we gathered and boarded the bus in Portland, Maine here:
You can follow the whole rally at #ForwardOnClimate.
More updates coming in the morning. As of this posting at 10:25 p.m., we have made it to Massachusetts and stopped to switch bus drivers. Our new driver, Lee, is a very strong supporter of climate action. We are sure he will get us to DC safe and sound by morning.
On the Road to Climate Action
by Emmie Theberge, NRCM Clean Energy Outreach Coordinator
I’m headed to D.C. this weekend with 30 NRCM members for the historic Forward on Climate rally. We will join tens of thousands of people from across the nation to march on Washington for climate action!
This is going to be a momentous event. Whether you’re meeting us in D.C. or will be watching from home, you can follow the action on NRCM’s Facebook page. We will also be adding updates to this blog post, so come back often to learn the latest from the Forward on Climate Rally.
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