When Don and I talked about a topic for this month’s column, he suggested letting readers know what the differences are between an Animal Control Officer (ACO) and an Animal Damages Control Agent (ADC). Although the titles of “Animal Control” and “Animal Damage Control” are often used interchangeably, they represent two different areas of specialty. Read More
Critter Chatter
Critter Chatter is published in the Town Line newspaper and reprinted on the Nature of Maine blog. This column is written by NRCM member Jayne Winters of South China and highlights the wildlife rehabilitation work of Donald Cote of Vassalboro, Maine, at the Duck Pond Wildlife Center.
Critter Chatter — The Best of Intentions
When visiting at the Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab Center in March, I asked Donald Cote what we should submit for the April column. With no hesitation whatsoever, Don said spring is the time to remind people that not all young animals that appear orphaned need rescuing. That makes this month’s column easy for me as Read More
Critter Chatter — Opossum: America’s Only Marsupial
A recent chat with Donald Cote at Duck Pond Rehabilitation Center was about opossums, as I couldn’t help but notice a large adult snoozing in a pet carrier in what used to be Carlene’s “doll room.” I’ve never seen one in the wild, although sightings in Maine have become common. My research provided conflicting information Read More
Critter Chatter – You Can Make a Difference!
You might think that winter is a respite for Don Cote and the three “regular” volunteers at the wildlife center. While it’s true they don’t have admissions of newborn animals, the months after fall releases and before springtime births are hardly quiet. There are still critters on-site that were not old enough or healthy enough Read More
Critter Chatter – Gray Fox: In a Class of Its Own
Don Cote of Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab has a soft spot for foxes. Although he rehabs mostly reds, I sense he’s partial to the grays. When I visited a few weeks ago, he led me to an enclosure that housed a beautiful gray fox, which will be released this spring, and proceeded to explain the Read More
Critter Chatter — A Pet Peeve
When talking to Donald Cote at his Vassalboro Wildlife Center last month he mentioned one of his pet peeves: owners of exotic pets releasing them into the wild after they get bored with them or can no longer provide the care required. Buying, breeding, selling, and owning exotics are a big–and often illegal–business; purchases can Read More
Fishers: Important Predators of the Wildlife Community
Typically, one or two fishers are brought to the Wildlife Center each year for rehabilitation. I’ve only seen photos of them, so was interested in learning more after discovering one was in residence with Don Cote this past summer. And when I say “in residence,” I mean that literally, as it was kept in a Read More
Critter Chatter – Critter Release, Part II
As a follow-up to the September column, I’m submitting another written by the late Carleen Cote, published in the fall of 1999. As we prepare for colder weather, it seems like a good time to share some of her fond memories. “Over the years, hundreds of raccoons have called our Center ‘home.’ When they start Read More
Critter Chatter — Critter Release
Due to unexpected circumstances, I’m not able to prepare a new column for September. I feel it is appropriate, however, to submit an article written by the late Carleen Cote, which was published in September 2005 and is as applicable today as it was 15 years ago: Ah, sweet September! This is the month for Read More