As a follow-up to last month’s article about the whitetail buck with three legs and only one horn, I’d be remiss not to write about the other permanent resident buck at the Wildlife Center. Rather than simply missing an antler, this deer has two, but they’re both deformed and remain in velvet. He’s the oldest Read More
Critter Chatter
Critter Chatter is published in the Town Line newspaper and reprinted on the Nature of Maine blog. This column is written by NRCM member Jayne Winters of South China and highlights the wildlife rehabilitation work of Donald Cote of Vassalboro, Maine, at the Duck Pond Wildlife Center.
Critter Chatter – Oh, Deer! What’s Up With That? Part 1
While visiting Don at the Wildlife Center the other day, awaiting the arrival of a family of six baby opossums whose mother had likely been the victim of a car accident, we got to talking about one of the white-tailed bucks that is a permanent resident at Duck Pond. I’d only seen him from a Read More
Critter Chatter – Fall Preparations
I stopped in to see Don at the Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab Center today and was surprised to find only one critter in the house: a young gray squirrel, which likely had been injured by a cat. It was able to move and used its front paws for eating from the food dish, so Don Read More
Critter Chatter – The Chipmunk Continues to be Charming
As I sat on our back deck the other day, watching one of “my” chippies fill his cheeks with peanuts, it dawned on me that I had only seen one or two chipmunks at Duck Pond Wildlife Center since I started writing this column about three years ago. Don confirmed they’ve had a few over Read More
Critter Chatter – Got Milk?
I wasn’t sure what this month’s article would be about, but after just a few minutes of talking with Don, we agreed a thank-you was in order to some local farmers who recently helped during a shortage of fresh milk for this year’s fawns. When I visited Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab in June, I was Read More
Critter Chatter – Release Updates
Although spring always brings admissions of injured, sick and newly orphaned wildlife to the Wildlife Care Center, May and June are also the months that find Don and his volunteers releasing rehabbed critters back to the fields and woods where they belong. The animals have depended upon human assistance to regain their health or simply Read More
Critter Chatter – Vicious Vermin or Rodent Regulator?
You never know what you’ll find in Don Cote’s living room at the Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab Center. When I visited him a few weeks ago to decide on a topic for this month’s article, and as soon as I walked in, I knew what it would be: weasels. I’ve never seen one in the Read More
Critter Chatter – An April Reminder
When visiting at the Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab Center a couple of weeks ago, I asked Don Cote if he had any thoughts about what we should submit for the April column. Without missing a beat, he said spring is the time we need to alert people that not all young animals that appear lost Read More
Critter Chatter – Preparing for Spring
While the recent signs of an early spring encourage most of us to anxiously look forward to warmer days and more outside activities, this time of year is one of mixed emotions for Don Cote and the volunteers at Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center. These last weeks of winter still require shoveling, plowing, and sanding; Read More