I continue to share more of Carleen Cote’s past articles because Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center isn’t accepting any wildlife or phone inquiries right now. I found several about the generous efforts of local students to help support the rehab center. From August 2005: “For two years, China Primary School students have selected the Wildlife Read More
Critter Chatter
Critter Chatter is published in the Town Line newspaper and reprinted on the Nature of Maine blog. This column is written by NRCM member Jayne Winters of South China and highlights the wildlife rehabilitation work of Donald Cote of Vassalboro, Maine, at the Duck Pond Wildlife Center.
Critter Chatter — Reminiscing, Part IV
As noted in recent columns, I’ll be sharing some of Carleen Cote’s past articles because Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center isn’t accepting any wildlife or phone inquiries right now. What follows is a story entitled, “Labor of Love” from August 3, 2002: “This week’s ‘Critter Chatter’ is not about the Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center Read More
Critter Chatter — Reminiscing, Part III
As part of our continued stroll down Memory Lane, I found several articles written by Carleen Cote about students who have raised money for Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center. Here is one from August 4, 2001: “On June 12, fourth graders from Windsor Elementary School, with teachers Julie Clark and Sheila Ready, visited the Center Read More
Critter Chatter – Reminiscing, Part II
As a follow-up to last month’s stroll down Memory Lane, here is another article Carleen Cote wrote in 2004: “Over our 40 years, we have cared for every species of Maine mammal except for the Pine Martin [sic]. We have cared for every species of water mammal. Caring for the mammals every year is one Read More
Critter Chatter – Reminiscing, Part I
When I stopped by Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab this week, as there were no critters awaiting transfer to other rehabbers, Don and I talked again about how smoothly things have gone since his hospitalization in May and subsequent transition to semi-retirement. Over just a few days — thanks to Inland Fisheries & Wildlife staff, volunteers, Read More
Critter Chatter – Happy Endings x 2
I don’t remember that I’ve ever written back-to-back articles about the same species, but sometimes things just naturally fall into place. Both of these recent rescues have a happy ending, so how could I resist? As a follow-up to August’s column about the raccoon that underwent surgeries for a broken leg, fractured jaw, and dislocated Read More
Critter Chatter — Cautiously Optimistic
As is often the case, I wasn’t sure what this month’s article would be about and had asked Don to give it some thought so we could talk about it last week. And, as is often the case, it didn’t take very long for that question to be answered! When I stopped by Duck Pond Read More
Critter Chatter – A New Chapter
As noted in last month’s article, rehabber Don Cote at Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center was hospitalized for a week in late May. I’m relieved and happy to report that his recovery at home is going well and as we expected, it didn’t take long before he started taking calls about orphaned and injured critters. Read More
Critter Chatter – It Takes a Village…
“It takes a village to raise a child” is an African proverb referencing the need for a community of people to provide and assure its children grow in a healthy, safe environment. It’s not limited to children, however, as evidenced by all that has happened at Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab Center since last month’s column. Read More