By Mea Andrews of the Missoulian The Missoulian news story For a snapshot of what Plum Creek Timber Co. might do with prime real estate land, Montana can look 2,000 miles away to the North Woods of Maine. In April 2005, the company submitted a 570-page “concept plan” for the Moosehead Lake region. It is Read More
White House Requests $10 Million from Congress to Restore the Penobscot River
Press Release from the Penobscot River Restoration Trust The Bush Administration today announced that it is requesting $10 million from Congress to restore the once-abundant sea-run fisheries of the Penobscot River in Maine, the second largest river in the Northeast. The announcement includes details of the FY2008 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) budget providing Read More
Creature Feature: Canada Lynx
Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) In the snowbound dawn of the Northern Forest prowls a feline shadow with shining eyes and thick, silvery fur. Her big paws and long legs allow her to move silently through the deep snow as she hunts for hare and other prey. Long tufts of black fur grace the tops of her ears, Read More
NRCM Responds to Plum Creek’s Plans to Revise Its Moosehead Development Proposal
Statement of Diano Circo, North Woods Policy Advocate We are encouraged that Plum Creek has requested a delay so the company can revise the massive development it proposed for the Moosehead Lake region. As proposed, the development would destroy the traditional, quiet, undeveloped character of the area. We are grateful to the thousands of Maine Read More
Board Favors Purchase of Land Near Moosehead
Bangor Daily News news story AUGUSTA — The Land for Maine’s Future board voted Tuesday to spend $1.25 million to conserve more than 37,000 acres near Moosehead Lake despite access concerns raised by some snowmobilers and professional guides. The LMF money will be combined with more than $4 million in federal funds to purchase a Read More
Mercury “Hot Spots” Found
By Lindsay Tice, Staff Writer Sun Journal news story The upper Androscoggin and upper Kennebec rivers are “hot spots” for mercury pollution, according to two studies published this month in BioScience, a peer-review journal. The studies identified five northeastern regions with high mercury levels in fish and birds. The hot spots include the Adirondack Mountain Read More
Legislators Seek to Boost Riverfront Community Development
$25 Million Bond to Fund Revitalization Along Maine’s Rivers Today communities have rediscovered clean and healthy rivers as a key to increasing economic opportunities and preserving Maine’s way of life. To seize this opportunity, leverage community investments, and bring about river-based economic revitalization projects, a bi-partisan group of legislators has introduced a $25 million Riverfront Read More
Deer Yard Measures Lauded
By Kevin Miller Bangor Daily News news story AUGUSTA – Sportsmen applauded recent efforts to protect winter deer habitat on Friday but predicted stiff battles in Maine courtrooms and legislative chambers over trapping and land-use issues during the coming year. Speakers offered a mixed bag to the hunters, fishermen and other outdoor enthusiasts gathered at Read More
Blog Policy for the Nature of Maine
Anyone who is interested in helping protect Maine’s environment is invited to post to the Natural Resources Council of Maine’s (NRCM) Nature of Maine blog. This includes NRCM members, activists, supporters, and others. Registration and the creation of a user ID are required, although anonymous posts are permitted. Users must use a tone that is Read More