Natural Resources Council of Maine celebrates its half century of advocacy by Chris Cousins Times Record news story AUGUSTA — In 50 years of existence, the Natural Resources Council of Maine has compiled a long list of achievements — ranging from the removal of dams to the successful push for a bottle bill in Maine. Read More
10th Anniversary of Removal of Edwards Dam on the Kennebec
Read 10th anniversary press release by NRCM and its Kennebec Coalition partners Remarks by NRCM Executive Director Brownie Carson on 10th anniversary of Edwards Dam removal Brief history timeline of Edwards Dam Environmental, economic, and recreational benefits of removal of the Edwards Dam Whatsthedampoint-Bates1-6-09 – article featuring NRCM board member Lynne Lewis, from Bates College Bates Magazine, January, 2009. Read More
Edwards Dam Gone 10 Years Today
Ten years ago the Edwards Dam in Augusta, Maine, was removed from the Kennebec River and the river has totally come alive. The coalition of groups that worked on this project for more than a decade knew that the benefits would be enormous, and they have been. The Edwards Dam had blocked the river since Read More
Kennebec River Reborn 10 Years After Dam Removal
People and wildlife have benefited from river’s recovery NRCM news release Augusta, ME – State, federal and local officials and conservation leaders gathered on the bank of the Kennebec River today to celebrate one of our nation’s most significant and successful river restoration projects. Ten years ago, the 160-year-old Edwards Dam was removed to restore Read More
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Removing the Edwards Dam
Remarks by NRCM Executive Director Brownie Carson Good morning and welcome to the 10th anniversary celebration of the removal of the Edwards Dam. Ten years ago, many of us who are here today stood on the opposite bank of the Kennebec to witness the beginning of a new chapter for this great river. On that Read More
Penobscot River Restoration Project to Boost Maine Economy, Restore Fish
Penobscot River Restoration Trust Awarded Funds to Remove Fish Passage Barriers Penobscot River Restoration Trust Today, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced that it will invest $6.1 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to help rebuild the sea-run fisheries of Maine’s Penobscot River. A grant to the Penobscot River Restoration Trust Read More
State Better for Having 50 Years of NRCM
The group has been a leader in setting environmental policy for half a century. Portland Press Herald editorial Look around. The state you see would probably not be the same if not for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. The pristine Allagash Wilderness Waterway would probably have dams and bridges. The highways could still be Read More
Imagine Maine Without Natural Resources Council
Kennebec Journal editorial As lifelong conservationist Bill Townsend of Canaan put it, if the Natural Resources Council of Maine did not exist, the state of Maine would look very different. Townsend was one of the original members of the organization, which celebrated its 50th anniversary this week. He and other pioneers in the environmental organization Read More
NRCM Celebrates 50 Years of Service
Major state issues influenced by group by Kevin Miller Bangor Daily News news story AUGUSTA, Maine — Nearly 50 years ago, a small group of individuals gathered for the inaugural annual meeting of a fledgling environmental organization. The hot topics that day: the Allagash, pesticides and pollution. Fast forward about a half-century and it’s likely Read More