In this issue of Maine Environment, our feature story is about our work to set the stage for Maine’s clean energy future with an offshore wind procurement bill we helped to pass through the 2023 Maine Legislature, with a unique coalition of partners including other environmental organizations, organized labor, and fishing groups. You can read NRCM Read More
My Maine This Week: Martin Stream by Sam Horine
Sam Horine of Skowhegan, Maine, shares another one of his beautiful winter photos as this week’s My Maine This Week feature. Sam took this photo on a recent blue-sky winter day while at the upper end of Martin Stream in Fairfield. Thank you for sharing this photo, Sam. And Happy Holidays to everyone!
Update on Stronger Clean Car Standards for Maine
Below is an update from NRCM Climate & Clean Energy Outreach Coordinator Josh Caldwell on stronger standards for clean cars and trucks in Maine: “Due to the severity of the recent storm, the Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) was forced to cancel today’s meeting to vote on stronger standards for clean cars and trucks. The Read More
Statement on Termination of Northern Maine Transmission Procurement
Today, the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) terminated the procurement of a transmission line to enable the development of new wind resources in Aroostook County. In response, the Natural Resources Council of Maine issued the following statement from Climate & Clean Energy Director Jack Shapiro: “Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing Maine’s Read More
Critter Chatter – Some Things Never Change
Admissions at Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center slow down at this time of year; the only new resident I saw today was a gray squirrel, which had been hit by a car several days ago. No external injuries were seen, and Don said it was eating and drinking normally, so hopefully it has suffered only Read More
News & Noteworthy: October—December 2023
We highlight news stories and opinion pieces related to Maine’s land, air, water, and wildlife in our monthly News & Noteworthy. December 2023 NRCM Staff Scientist Nick Bennett and Dan Kusnierz, the water resources program manager for the Penobscot Nation, wrote a strong op-ed about why the proposal for a mine in the Katahdin region Read More
My Maine This Week: Sheepscot River by Steve Cartwright
Steve Cartwright of Tenants Harbor, Maine, is an NRCM member and frequent My Maine This Week photographer, and we are so pleased that he shared his wintry photo of the West Branch of the Sheepscot River in Windsor as this week’s My Maine This Week feature. Thanks, Steve!
My Maine This Week: Garth Bammer
Welcome to a new My Maine This Week photographer/contributor! Garth Bammer of Old Orchard Beach and China Lake, Maine, shares his beautiful photo from last week’s snowstorm. He titles this photo, “Winter Magic on the Little Androscoggin,” and took this photo in Auburn on Route 202 last Monday, December 4th. Thank you, Garth, for sharing Read More
Maine Voices Opposed to Wolfden’s Mining
As the Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) prepares to make its decision regarding Wolfden Resources’ flawed mining proposal, more than a thousand Mainers, local businesses, Wabanaki tribes, government agencies, and conservation and philanthropic organizations have submitted written testimony opposed to the project because it’s too big of a risk for Maine. The broad range of Read More