The Valentine Farm property, including a house, was given to the Mahoosuc Land Trust from a local resident. This property became the headquarters of the Mahoosuc Land Trust in 2016. Valentine Farm’s universally accessible trail has two 0.6-mile loops, for a total of 1.2 miles to explore. One loop brings you right down to the Read More
My Maine This Week: Borestone Hike by Linda Woods
This week’s photos were sent to us by NRCM member and My Maine This Week frequent photographer Linda Woods of Waterville, Maine. Thanks, Linda! Along with these beautiful photos, Linda shares some information about the hike up Borestone, as well as what you might see along the way if you decide to do this hike: Read More
Critter Chatter – It Takes a Village…
“It takes a village to raise a child” is an African proverb referencing the need for a community of people to provide and assure its children grow in a healthy, safe environment. It’s not limited to children, however, as evidenced by all that has happened at Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab Center since last month’s column. Read More
My Maine This Week: Sunset Loon by David Silva
NRCM supporter David Silva of Holden, Maine, shares his photo, titled “Sunset Loon,” with us this week and writes, “During a placid sunset on Davis Pond in Holden, Maine. Fortunately, I saw a loon cruising in the waning light alongside my boat.” David took this photo on June 2, 2024.
News & Noteworthy—April – June 2024
Each month, we highlight news stories and opinion pieces related to the Natural Resources Council of Maine’s work to protect Maine’s air, land, water, and wildlife. June 2024 The Bangor Daily News wrote an in-depth story about the four dams on the Kennebec River from Waterville to Skowhegan that are blocking spawning grounds for the endangered Read More
My Maine This Week: Samuel Boynton
Many thanks to our newest My Maine This Week photographer, Samuel Boynton of China, Maine. Samuel shares his photo of Lake St. George State Park in Liberty, Maine, after a rainy day. Look at that night sky! Where is your favorite Maine location to view the stars?
My Maine This Week: Happy Harbor Seal by David Small
NRCM member Dave Small of Old Town, Maine, shares his wildlife photos with us (and many others on his mailing list) each week. Usually, he sends multiple photos at a time, but this week, he sent just one…but it’s a fantastic one! Dave writes, “I’m only sending one picture this week. It’s a photograph of Read More
Alewives Abound at Benton Falls
At the end of May we were lucky enough to join our colleagues on a field trip to the Benton Falls Dam on the Sebasticook River to see the alewife (river herring) run. Alewives spend the majority of their lives in the ocean and only follow freshwater routes to spawn in interior lakes and ponds Read More
Creature Feature: Woodchuck
Woodchuck Marmota monax Cool Fact: Woodchucks are also called whistle pigs (because of the alert whistle they make when alarmed), earth pigs, land beavers, and grass rats! Most of us are familiar with the legend of the groundhog seeing its shadow (or not) to determine whether there will be six more weeks of winter or Read More