NRCM member Anne Rankin of Brunswick shares this photo she took while on Wilson’s Cove Trail in Harpswell recently. She writes, “This morning called me to speak the language of forest, and I was not disappointed to go and find the words. As I’ve been reading in Julia Plevin’s book on forest bathing, trees heal us in all kinds of ways, and not just through their immune-boosting phytoncides (essential oils exuded by certain trees and plants). Go find yourself in the fractals of branches, branchlets, and leaves. Enjoy the brilliant view at the end of trail, where the cliff overlooks the cove. Breathe deep, exhale, and repeat!”
About NRCM
The Natural Resources Council of Maine is a nonprofit membership organization protecting, restoring, and conserving Maine's environment, now and for future generations. Join NRCM today!