
Kristen Giambro

Kristen Giambro, Accountant

Kristen hiking and smiling at cameraAs NRCM’s accountant, Kristen works closely with the CFO/Director of Finance. She plays a crucial role in the organization, ensuring accuracy and integrity of the organization’s financial records, supporting financial decision-making, and helping maintain compliance with financial regulations. Kristen joined NRCM in July 2024 and brings 15 years’ experience in banking, spending 3 of those years as live-in caretaker at a living history museum where she took care of a team of oxen, sheep, pigs, laying hens—and a rooster that arrived in the woods one winter. (She would also occasionally help out during events by dressing up in 19th century clothing and once had a mirror broken when cannon fire from a Civil War reenactment shook the house!)

Favorite Ice Cream: Peppermint Schtick (Tubby’s)

Dog or cat person? Dog

Favorite Things to Do Outdoors in Maine: I love to go hiking and trail running. Although, now that I am often accompanied by a toddler, I spend the majority of my time watching tadpoles and playing with rocks.

Favorite quote: “Going to the mountains is going home. (…) Tracing rivers to their sources, getting in touch with the nerves of Mother Earth; jumping from rock to rock, feeling the life of them, learning the songs of them, panting in whole-souled exercise, and rejoicing in deep, long-drawn breaths of pure wildness.” —John Muir in Our National Parks

Why I Do This Work

"I want to be able to use the skills I've built up over the past 15 years in the financial industry to further the cause of an organization that is doing something to create a better world for us all (not just for the benefit of the shareholders)."