NRCM supporter Jeannie Mooney of Bangor, Maine, now residing in Tasmania, Australia, shares a photo of Penobscot Bay from Searsport that she took during a visit this summer. She writes, “This view of Penobscot Bay was the beginning and ending of each day I spent in Searsport this summer. The painterly quality sets off my imagination just like any scene in Maine can do if you sit still long enough and soak it in. Sixty years ago when I was little, my mother used to take us kids walking along a narrow river trail in Bangor telling us stories of the Penawahpskewi/Penobscot people who walked the same path in olden days. Now I tell these stories to my nieces and nephews.”
About NRCM
The Natural Resources Council of Maine is a nonprofit membership organization protecting, restoring, and conserving Maine's environment, now and for future generations. Join NRCM today!