Multiple conservation partners have joined forces to establish the River-Link Trail, a 10-mile stretch of protected freshwater and tidal streams, forests, shorelands, and trails connecting the Sheepscot and Damariscotta Rivers. By linking existing conservation holdings, this corridor will enhance the ecological value of established preserves and create a unique 20-mile hiking experience in Midcoast Maine. The Land for Maine’s Future (LMF) program is helping to advance this ambitious project by supporting acquisition of several parcels and easements needed to join protected lands.
The trail and wildlife corridor will stretch from Whitefield to Boothbay Harbor, incorporating conserved properties in Newcastle, Edgecomb, and Boothbay. It will be easily accessible from Route 1 and will link up to other trail systems, such as the Maine Island Trail and the East Coast Greenway. River-Link hikers will be able to access the water at nine or more points along the trail (such as at the popular Dodge Point Preserve funded by LMF).
The River-Link Corridor will help to preserve the natural character and wildlife value of some of the region’s largest remaining tracts of open land. This portion of the midcoast is becoming increasingly developed, and conservationists recognized that there was little remaining time in which to complete a project of this scale. The River-Link Corridor is a collaborative project initiated by the Damariscotta River Association, the Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association, the Town of Edgecomb’s Schmid Preserve, Boothbay Region Land Trust, and Maine Coast Heritage Trust. Other partners in the effort include town governments, state agencies (including the Department of Transportation), and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Closest Town
Bird & other wildlife watching, hiking, dog walking (on leash), and snowshoeing
Midcoast Maine – Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, Waldo
Directions from nearest town
DeLorme Maine Atlas and Gazetteer Map 7 A-2/3. Project maps are available from the Damariscotta River Association.